Full Stack Developer

SagXD@lemm.ee to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 988 points –

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What's figma?

I need to figma resume and get out of here.

Open source alternative is called penpot.app

Worth checking out

There are so many plugins for figma that it is hard to switch to anything else.

Yeah, I’m full stack and use it for quick mockups and communication with our marketing person at work.

But I never hoped on the figma train fully, so penpot works for me.

What are some integrations that I might find useful?

(I work predominantly with a Stencil.js website and react native app (traditional MERN stack for the app, the stencil website has tons of custom integrations))

I use a handful of tools. I think the one I use the most is build. Io. It basically scrapes a page and creates a figma design from a webpage. It's useful if I'm planning on building a test or creating a new page that requires me to bring elements from other pages.

It cuts my workload in 1/2.