Right-winger Leonard Leo pledges $1B to 'crush liberal dominance'

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 208 points –
Right-winger Leonard Leo pledges $1B to 'crush liberal dominance'

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How do we the people legally defend our freedom against all of these billionaires dumping cash into the dark side? Wealth is being used as a weapon and it is resulting in real negative implications in our lives. Some of these guys are literally buying down your quality of life.

The real answer is you tear down Citizens United and make lobbying defined as the bribery that it is, then cap political campaign donations at 2k max from all sources. If that doesnt work, we revert to violence. The wealthy tend to stop fucking around when all their friends are getting bonked.

also: force political non profits to higher levels of disclosure. lets see some of those internal federalist society emails.

We need to push for campaign finance reform and we need to continue to draw attention to billionaires and corporations that are dumping piles of money into buying elections.

Good luck with that, considering the Tribunal of Six is fully committed to the idea that money is speech, despite the fact that it is absolutely nothing of the sort.

Thankfully, the Tribunal of Six also thinks entrenching our right to firearms is a great idea, so do with that what you will.

What else can you do? You fight for it and draw awareness to the problem, or you give up and let the oligarchs take over more.

Or things get so bad and authoritarian that that whole second amendment thing starts to get used in the context of the original intent for which it was written.

Wealth is always a weapon, this is why we need economic change. No individuals should wield so much power

Just start murdering billionaires. Easy.

This is the only answer that will actually work. No one inside politics wants to restrict the amount of money they csn receive. Until we force consequences on the rich, they wont suffer any.

People always forget what the good old days are.

The good old days are back when if a boss took advantage of his employees and fucked them over too hard, the employees would just drag mr. Bossman out of his house and beat him to death in front of his family.

Maybe his brother who takes over the business will get the hint to not fuck over those who actually run the companies.