[USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread

JonsJava@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 249 points –

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When this is over, I wanna see a stat on who spoke/was on camera more. The press plays right into his hands. Asking him to clarify only gets him more speaking time. That's why he "wins" debates, because he monopolizes media time. She is doing a great job attacking him, but he gets the last word.

Behind the Bastards did a great two parter on how liberal media basically let Mussolini and Hitler rise to power unchallenged because they were so busy trying to appear "fair" and "neutral" and "objective" even as journalists and editors were being executed in the streets.

The "virtual coin flip" conveniently gives him the final word at the debate, too. He will be the last one who speaks and he'll be allowed to monopolize the time spewing hot air.

Considering how insanely he's been rambling, I don't know that giving him the last word will help him.

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