Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? to No Stupid – 941 points –

Kamala Harris running a damn near flawless campaign, with just a month 1/2 of campaigning. She’s been holding rallies nonstop with Tim Walz & not making her talking points about her race or gender like Hillary. She’s offering expanded healthcare, reinvestments back into public housing, wants to take on corporate greed, protect reproductive rights and chose a pro labor, pro education running mate.

Yet, she’s either barely leading or ties in most polls with a guy that:

Is a convicted felon.

Liable Sexual Predator.

Gets sentenced in November.

Has several more pending cases.

Increased Drone Strikes by 300%. (Joe Biden dosent use drones anymore).

Illegally killed an Iranian General unprovoked with a missle strike.

Increased tensions in Israel/Palestine with the Abraham Accords.

Wants war with Mexico (his words).

Tried to coup Venezuela.

Will bend the knee for Netanyahu’s potential war with Iran.

Lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% (lowest in history).

Obvious tax cuts for the rich.

Told people to drink bleach during the pandemic.

Is the main driving force for America’s current division.

Constantly attacks marginalized groups.

Tried to steal the 2020 election (Find Me 11,000 votes in GA).

Did Fake Elector Slates to pressure Mike Pence to not certify the 2020 election.

Caused a riot on the capitol that lead to his OWN supporters dying.

Just got washed by Harris in the last debate, was completely unprepared on anything but immigration (“I have concepts of a plan”).

And so much more. So seriously what is it? Is it just the attraction to bigotry/racism? Is it to end “wokeness”. Is it because Kamala is a woman of color? You can’t use the both sides argument like Hilary or Biden, Kamala is the obvious better choice. Could you imagine if Kamala had as much baggage as Trump? The media would lose their minds.

Seriously, how the f*** is this guy still in the race?


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People ignore everything their person does if they have the right color banner. Kamala and Biden are complicit in literal Genocide and your post is written as if the worst thing she did is being black.

Your own selective outrage answers your question.

Not feeling like that proves selective outrage, as Trump would support and likely increase involvement with the genocide.

Is it because Kamala is a woman of color?

Could you imagine if Kamala had as much baggage as Trump?

It is very clearly selective outrage. Nowhere does OP make a single mention of Kamala being complicit in Genocide or the other slew of baggage she as.

Both Blue and Red MAGA conveniently ignore every bad thing their candidate does and pretend people hate their candidate for mythical reasons.

Trumpists will say Liberals hate Trump because "Trump is a straight cis white male" or some other identity politics deflection. Similar to what is done here for Kamala

Sorry but oop is explicitly not doing identity politics. You have a point but it's getting lost in your accusations.

So seriously what is it? Is it just the attraction to bigotry/racism? Is it to end “wokeness”. Is it because Kamala is a woman of color?

OOP is invoking identity politics here.

They're questioning whether or not the other side is bogged down in idpol. The other guy accused them of doing idpol. Big difference. My point isn't that idpol doesn't exist obviously it does. Talking about it isnt the same as doing it.

It is using identity politics as a deflection point here instead of honestly addressing the faults of Harris.

Swapping the order of the words "it is" and putting a question mark after it does not change its meaning.

I have no clue why you chose to point at OP's opinion to claim their thinking is flawed. They clearly have put thought into this post instead of just planning to vote for who has the "right color banner" and are asking for reasons why someone would vote Trump. Why not point out the "slew of baggage" with Harris that would sway you or someone you know to vote for Trump instead of just listing something undistiguishing and then going non sequitur? I'd love to hear it as well tbh.

OP asked for an explanation of people voting Trump. Most people are explaining it wrong.

The explanation is that voters just don't care what their politician has done. They vote for the color and don't mention their faults.

What OP does not seem to realize, is that Democrat voters are no different than Republican voters in this selective outrage. So I put a mirror in front to make him understand.

Ahh, thank you for clarifying. Your point didn't come across clearly the first time. Most people do only vote for their political party. I don't agree that it is the prime reason, and there is probably analysis on key issues and primary involvement that could show why people don't vote split tickets, but it would be nice if we could openly criticise candidates we plan to vote for without it being used destructively online. Tribalism is at it's peak with social media.

Trump us only going to give MORE to Israel you dolt. He's awful in 360 degrees

I'm just pointing out that OP is engaging in the same selective outrage he accuses Republicans of and that a bit of self-reflection answers the question.

You’re both-sides-ing it. Yeah, helping Israel commit genocide is terrible and evil. Both candidates will continue that, but only one will go way beyond that and be a grifting, racist, misogynist, lying, evil piece of shit. Hell, he’ll most likely support a genocide over there AND over here. The fact that you can’t understand that is why you’re being downvoted.

I dont think you understand what you are doing, actually. No one is agreeing with you for a reason champ.

Did I break the sacred rule of doing Genocide denial for Democrats?

At some point people are going to have to ask themselves if they're part of a death cult.

For your argument that Democrats are the same as Republicans because of Gaza to have any weight you'd have to establish that 1) the Democrats are the "genocide" party and the Republicans are not, and 2) Democrat supporters follow the party lock step on the issue of genocide. As an independent, it sucks that there is no anti-genocide party, but there is way more opposition to it on the Democratic side, both among elected officials (who are beholden to AIPAC) and voters. The "both sides" argument just doesn't hold water.

This is false. Biden bypassed congress to send weapons to israel even when Republicans blocked the israel weapons. Biden even used secret loopholes for over 100 arms shipments to israel.

Furthermore Democrats are responsible and in the position for invoking Leahy Law right now. Not Republicans.

Both of them have share of the blame but the ultimate say whether israel gets the weapons currently lies with Democrats.

Nonetheless your argument is irrelevant. "Republicans support Genocide too" is not a justification for Democrats to support Genocide.

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