'We Are All Culpable': Third American Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 373 points –
'We Are All Culpable': Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught | Common Dreams

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And would you call that sane?

Nope. But we're gonna keep doing it anyway, and calling this guy crazy because it's easier than admitting that we are all culpable.

You are in no position to determine my degree of culpability, or that of anyone who's not pulling a trigger.

a guy committed suicide by setting himself on fire

yeah but you know global warming, so aren't we all crazy

Friend, come on

If you want to pretend that we live on a sane planet, well, when on Earth, do as the Earthlings do, I guess.

I'm saying killing yourself over US actions isn't a sane move. You brought up global warming in reply as if that meant anything in this discussion.

I’m saying killing yourself over US actions isn’t a sane move.

And I'm saying that no product of this barking mad oblate spheroid is qualified to make that assessment. But dismissing him as insane is a great way to not have to treat his rebuke to humanity as the just condemnation it is.

He did covered himself in gasoline and light that up as a form of suicide. It does sound a bit insane.

Maybe one day someone will say something that causes you to consider similar words to his. Oh who am I kiddin'. It's just crazy talk.

Maybe one day someone will say something that causes you to consider similar words to his.

I'm sorry but I have no idea what this means. Similar words to whose, what words?

I’m sorry but I have no idea what this means.

Yeah, I know. It wasn't support for genocide, so you didn't listen at all.

Listen to what?

You have no idea he even said anything, huh?

"We are all culpable" says the title, didn't read more into it than that.

Maybe one day someone will say something that causes you to consider similar words to his.

This is still puzzling me. Maybe some day someone will say something that will make me consider saying the same thing that made me do the considering. Did I understand that correctly? It just seems like a confusing sentence imo.

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