JD Vance admits he is willing to ‘create stories’ to get media attention

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 521 points –
JD Vance admits he is willing to ‘create stories’ to get media attention

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These dudes contribute nothing but division to society and somehow they are deemed more worthy of a commidating existence than a lot of us who work their ass off every day? Fuck these people and this system that props them up. We factually do not need people like this to run a society.

The tribe would have beat cunts like him senseless. We still should.

Sometimes it feels like the tribe mentality is the solution and the problem. Probably because consensus reality does not exist anymore.

The problem is that the tribe is now global assholes connected digitally instead of people connected by distance.

Not only does the Republican presidential candidate have no ideas about running the country, the existing senator of Ohio, someone presently in power, is busy making up stories for the media to illustrate "white Americans' plight" rather than actually working on legislation that will help his constituents.

Acting all persecuted is kinda the conservatives' thing. Just sayin'