The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election to – 831 points –
The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election

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This is my unsurprised face as 40%+ of them continue to vote republican, just like their parents always have.

i imagine that i would want to conceal carry. I don't know that conceal carry rights are actually in danger, but I can see why conservatives are worried about it

I don’t know that conceal carry rights are actually in danger, but I can see why conservatives are worried about it

This is such a stupid thing to say. "I know that they are completely wrong, but I understand why they feel they way they do". Why empathize with liars with violent paranoia?

They're still fucking wrong. Fuck their fragile, gullible feelings.

it's difficult or nearly impossible to conceal carry in a lot of states

I would be a responsible gun owner

-Every single gun owner (self included ofc)

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