Chipotle pilots new line of robots in California after $20 per hour wage. to – 127 points –
Chipotle pilots new line of robots in California after $20 per hour wage

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Companies should be outright banned from dodging ways to pay wages like this

No, they should be required to pay taxes equivelant to what they subtracted when they removed a tax-paying worker. All of those taxes should go towards UBI.

I think we really need some kind of automation tax, whether or not it’s specifically this take. But between robotics and AI, the only sustainable solution is taxing these kinds of things to fund UBI or some similar payments scheme for the displaced workers. Otherwise, we’ll end up with a few wealthy capitalists and mass unemployment. So it sure sounds to me like they need to choose between the tax option, and a significantly more dangerous option.

Chill. You can't force businesses to hire people any more than you can force someone to work.