Protesters outside New York Times demand newspaper 'stop normalizing Trump' to politics – 711 points –
Protesters outside New York Times demand newspaper 'stop normalizing Trump'

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Do you remember when we used to be able to be friends with people of different political beliefs instead of insulting each other over trivial bullshit? And I mean both sides. You know this is exactly what they want, right? If we're busy fighting each other then we won't have enough energy to fight actual problems with the system.

No? Growing up around conservatives I remember them talking a whole lot of shit. If they thought you were a liberal that shit would get directed at you. Things weren't quite as bad back then compared to now, but they were still whiny hateful assholes.

They were as bad, but there weren't so many. Most of them weren't "activated" yet.

Yuuup! It's that 'Watch out mate, he's after your cookie' meme over and over again

Can you name some problems with the system?

The fact that the SCOTUS can basically do whatever the fuck they want, the electoral college making elections basically pointless if you live in the opposite area as your political views, Gerrymandering, a legislative branch that never gets anything done, a government that shuts down whenever people don't agree instead of solving issues, and a two party system that just gives people two shitty choices just to name a few.

I shouldn't really have to list all the problems with the system when we all deal with the consequences on a daily basis regardless of which party you are affiliated with. We are all getting constantly fucked but spend all our time bitching at our neighbors about which side of the political spectrum they are on when it's just as fucked no matter who is in charge.

No please keep listing the problems :)

What did Democrats do about these systemic issues when they controlled Congress?

Well I'm glad you missed the point of what I was talking about entirely

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