Israel detonates Hezbollah walkie-talkies in second wave after pager attack to World – 415 points –

The sound of many of them exploding


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This was a stupid decision by Israel. They have given the green light to mass attacks through consumer products. Can they really afford to protect all their imported products (electronics, food, water, etc) from every type of attack?

They don't have to, the supply chain is friendlier to them than to Lebanese.

The supply chain goes from the source to the consumer. It doesn't have to be and elaborate and expensive operation to have an effect. Several unrelated individuals poke 1 or 2 tiny holes into some fruits and vegetables during their weekly grocery shopping. Once people start to notice there will be panic about food security. Most people won't care but enough will that it will cost grocery stores money in unsellable products and increased vigilance. Prices go up. If you can't trust your fellow human to not sneeze at the buffet table, how are you going to trust your neighbour/worker who lost x relatives to not tamper with your ice cream in the unlocked fridge at the store.

Drones randomly dropping anthrax are simpler.

Where would they get the anthrax and a drone capable of spreading it without hurting the user. My example cost nothing, anyone can do it and the it's almost impossible to get caught.

Actually incredibly easy to catch someone doing it in a first world country.

Mass surveillence is already here. By the third case of such death the police would already be pulling CCTV tapes.

Someone has a pin or thumb tack held between there fingers. They touch 10 green apples but only pierce 3. How are you going to determine this person did that from the hundreds of customers who were at that spot during one day? How many hours of videos are being kept? How many cameras do you need? How much will this cost? What if this was done at the farm? Or truck or distribution center?