Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way!

Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1219 points –

IDF: Whoops, tee hee.


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Hamas != Hisbollah

But I start to wonder if they Knew about the planed attacks and let them happen to start this massacre.

It feels like the all seeing eye of Mossad was ignored on purpose. I hope Netanjahus Name will be branded for ever. He deserves no good mention in History of humanity.

On the other side... humanity faces the biggest historic event ever and no one cares (climate change)

Hamas != Hisbollah

And they also don't use pagers, or cell phones, or....?

I think you imply the wrong thing here. of course they probably do, but what is the core of your statement?

Mine was:

Netanjahu (Not all of Israel and definitely not all Jews) wants this genocide. He needs it for his own survival, to a point where he gladly accepted the rape-murder of Festival crowd.... not any festival, a Hippie-Goa-Festival full of people who would never vote conservative, so a scapegoat the conservatives gladly gave.

Conservatives globally are such a vomit inducing Subgenre of human scum. Hamas and Hisbollah ARE conservatives too... the liberal-green-peace-people have no representation in this world filled with hatred. Quite the opposite, they are vilified and killed.

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