Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way!

Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1219 points –

IDF: Whoops, tee hee.


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Hamas != Hisbollah

And they also don't use pagers, or cell phones, or....?

I think you imply the wrong thing here. of course they probably do, but what is the core of your statement?

Mine was:

Netanjahu (Not all of Israel and definitely not all Jews) wants this genocide. He needs it for his own survival, to a point where he gladly accepted the rape-murder of Festival crowd.... not any festival, a Hippie-Goa-Festival full of people who would never vote conservative, so a scapegoat the conservatives gladly gave.

Conservatives globally are such a vomit inducing Subgenre of human scum. Hamas and Hisbollah ARE conservatives too... the liberal-green-peace-people have no representation in this world filled with hatred. Quite the opposite, they are vilified and killed.

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