How many communities are you blocking? to Ask – 166 points –

I'm up to 92 so far. A mix of non English, furry and hentai porn, and a few I just don't see the point of. I've got 6 or 7 users to, mostly bots that repost reddit content, and the piped link bot.


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A lot, mostly porn.

I'm not morally opposed to porn--but like 99.9% is aimed at straight men, or is the Disney-style furry art, and it does NOTHING for me. It's like being drowned in, I communities. It's boring as shit and I Just. Don't. Care.

Exactly. I have absolute nothing against porn...I just am not interested and don't want it flooding and dominating my feed.

How are y’all seeing all this porn and furry stuff?

I don’t see any of it on my /all/ feed. There’s like, some girls and boobs and stuff occasionally, but it’s rare.

I wonder if it's instance specific. I can see the porn communities but no posts show up in them for me on my account.

I know initially porn was blocked lemmy-wide and has only recently started rolling out.