Harris campaign office damaged by gunfire in Arizona

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 347 points –
Harris campaign office damaged by gunfire in Arizona

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Both the trump shooters donated to the DNC. The second one had a Harris bumper sticker.

So no, it's not.

You should check your magat to feeble brain pipeline because at the very least the first lie you told there was proven to be a different person with the same name.

Btw, fuck every single traitor supporter. No longer Americans in the slightest.

The "same name, different person" angle has been disproven:


"In fact, Federal Election Commission records show that the Bethel Park address on the $15 donation, earmarked to Progressive Turnout Project, is the same street address and ZIP code where the gunman lived. But the municipality is mistakenly listed as Pittsburgh, despite Bethel Park being outside Pittsburgh city limits. In screenshots of the FEC filing shared on social media, users blurred Crooks' street address, causing confusion."

Reported as "Misinformation" and I can see that as neither would be assassin donated to the DNC itself.

That being said, the first shooter, despite being a registered Republican, does appear to have made a $15 Act Blue donation:


And the would-be shooter did make multiple Democratic donations and DID, in fact, sport a Harris bumpersticker.


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