Trump Says He’ll Bring Back ‘Travel Ban’ and Will Ban Refugees From Gaza to politics – 475 points –
Trump Says He’ll Bring Back ‘Travel Ban’

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Harris is happy to keep killing them over there so they don't come over here

Check the latest from the Biden admin:

Black text on white background. Posted by a no name Nazi on a Nazi platform. Reposted endlessly by no name nobodies on a no name platform. No sources. Smells like propaganda.

Really? You can't bother to look up these completely true facts? Would rather call it a nazi conspiracy? That's how this pipeline works: smug liberalism -> willful ignorance -> complicit with genocide.

Who's upvoting this trash?

Sorry, anyone still on Xitter is a Nazi and I can't be fucked to go through Nazi garbage to determine what is real and what is Nazi propaganda.

Of course Isntreal is blocking aid to Gaza, they've been doing that since they bombed the border crossing at the very start of the genocide.

What I doubt is that this is somehow against gesticulates vaguely U.S. law whatever the fuck that is even supposed to mean in this context, or that the US is somehow obligated to stop munitions into Isntreal. Or that this could even be done without handing the election to Donnie on a silver platter. I can hear it now, "SEE THEY HATE THE JOOS! I WILL CRUSH PALESTINE LIKE THE GOOD CHRISTIAN I AM".

Sorry I don't believe every bullshit thing I see on the internet.

Also, lmao at

  1. Smug Liberalism
  2. ??????????
  3. Genocide

The US needs to withdraw all support for Isntreal and hold war crime hearings for Netanyahoo, but not because some asshole on Xitter said so.

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