Chappell Roan Says She’s “Voting For F@cking Kamala,” But No VP Endorsement & “F@ck Trump, For F@cking Real” to politics – 216 points –

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She's been getting a lot of hate for not endorsing Harris and people fail to realize the difference between endorsing and voting. Her entire point is that the government can't be fixed in a day. Voting for Harris is the obvious choice but her being in office isn't going to magically solve all our problems.

Except, by definition, she is endorsing Harris by publicly supporting her candidacy. Endorse doesn't mean you agree with everything they stand for, but if you are publicly saying who you are voting for, that's an endorsement.

A: this isn't really an endorsement, more than it is an acknowledgement of how fucked the options are. If you'd like to know the difference, go look at what Swifts endorsement looked like

B: she wasn't even going to say who she was voting for, but libs decided to harass her until she did

example: I use windows for work but i'm sure as fuck not going to recommend it to other people. Saying that i'm forced to use windows for work is not an endorsement. I'd go so far as to say that in this context it's more of a complaint or indictment than a endorsement.

She is telling the world that she thinks Harris is the best choice to vote for in this election. It's 100% an endorsement. Literally by definition. People seem to be confusing endorsing someone to marrying yourself to all of their views.

declare one's public approval or support of.

Err, you working from a different dictionary?

This is why she resisted saying who she was voting for initially, and why she is explicitly saying she is not endorsing

What does voting for someone do if not show support for them? In a democracy it's the ultimate form of support.

Lmao, idk maybe go watch her videos, she is definitely not voicing support and certainly not approval

Just so I'm clear: you're saying that if I had a gun to my head and was forced to choose between getting shot or eating dogshit, and I chose dogshit, that would be considered an endorsement?

Just so I’m clear:

She is neither being forced to vote for anyone, nor forced to let us know who she voted for. So, no, you're not clear about it at all.

You really don't see the distinction? Being forced into making a choice you don't like, and voicing a public approval of someone's candidacy?

I mean think what you want i guess

Being forced into making a choice you don’t like, and voicing a public approval of someone’s candidacy?

? We don't have mandatory voting, she isn't forced to vote at all. Additionally, she isn't forced to publicly say who she is voting for. I see the distinction when it comes to being forced to do something, the question I have now is if you understand the word forced because it doesn't appear that way.


So wait, are you suggesting that she is forced to vote and forced to announce who she is voting for? I don't follow your response.

Yes, she was pressured into both of those decisions. Pretending as if it were not only a 'free choice' but an actual endorsement is cringe-levels of desperate, honestly.

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The problem is she's trying to bring nuance to a bumper sticker platform.

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