Woman behind Neo-Nazi plot to destroy Maryland's power grid sentenced to 18 years in prison

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 667 points –
Woman behind Neo-Nazi plot to destroy Maryland's power grid sentenced to 18 years in prison

Sarah Beth Clendaniel, who pleaded guilty to trying to attack and destroy the power grid in the Baltimore region, was sentenced to 18 years in prison with lifetime supervision post-release.

Prosecutors said Clendaniel, 36, from Catonsville, planned to blow up power stations around Baltimore to destabilize the government in a white supremacist plot

According to prosecutors, the attack would have resulted in $75 million in damages and caused power outages for much of the state. 

This sentence comes after Clendaniel accepted a plea deal and ultimately was found guilty of the crimes in May.


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She probably thinks electricity is a jewish invention made to control brainwaves or something like that

This really isn't a joke. These people are all over, and this isn't the only attack on the power grid lately. They don't think the power grid is evil, it's only a plan to destabilize the nation and create a civil war, which they want to use to being in a fascist government.

A political science class I attended in the early 2000s focused on terrorism, and the professor described power grids as being a pretty big target in general, but especially for right wing hate groups.

This has always been part of the plan for the Turner Diaries militia weirdos.

Unfortunately it is an easy target. Right wing out in rural areas aren't quite as reliant on electricity (in the short term), so it hurts the city liberals thing.

I wouldn't worry about it, these people are not smart. Being all over doesn't mean they're well organized or largely grouped. Most neo nazis are just shit talking teens on discord. Animals mindlessy attacking power grids is laughable to the american government. America has countless power grids anyways.

I'd worry about it when hospitals and other critical infrastructure use electricity.

Frankly they should make an example of this vapid fuck and anyone who was working with her.

If she doesn’t like people of color or Jewish folks what the fuck is she doing in Baltimore?

The rationality of your question is a completely foreign abstraction to her.

I think a lot of rational things are completely foreign abstractions to her. And I think that her response to foreign abstractions, much like foreign people is not to pursue understanding but to lash out

This has tended to be my experience on the occasions where I come into contact with those such as her, and I’m often grateful that I don’t share those views.

Given my family’s history with such views, it might have been possible for me to espouse ideologies such as what she demonstrates, but I just couldn’t accept that kind of maltreatment of other human beings. So I left.

I hope you meant "much like with foreign people" and don't actually mean to say that foreign people don't pursue understanding and instead lash out.