Israeli military says Iran has fired missiles at Israel to World – 131 points –
Israeli military says Iran has fired missiles at Israel

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There's been no evidence of genocide. I have plenty of criticisms of the Israeli government, and if you were arguing it's indiscriminate you'd have a point. But genocide? No. We don't call Hiroshima a genocide and that was far worse than what's happening in Gaza. We don't call Dresden a genocide. We don't call shock and awe in Iraq a genocide.

Words have meaning.

Rights expert finds ‘reasonable grounds’ genocide is being committed in Gaza:

Human Rights Watch founder accuses Israel of genocide:

A top U.N. court says Gaza genocide is 'plausible' but does not order cease-fire:

The rate of bombing in Gaza has drastically slowed compared to the opening stages of the war. Israel can be accused of being too blase about civilian death, but there is no evidence of systematic attempts to eradicate the Arab population entirely. I have yet to see any credible evidence of anything but Israel having a disturbing willingness to kill 10 to get 1, if you get me. That's horrific enough, you don't need to exaggerate it by calling it genocide. There's plenty of legitimate enough concerns about Israel's bombing campaign without resorting to sensationalism.

Huge, huge, difference between not caring if you hit the next building by accident in an otherwise precise airstrike, and rounding up and killing them all. You should account for the inherent destructiveness of modern urban warfare also. Go on google earth and look at what the Russians did to cities in East Ukraine. Just because something is horrible, tragic, awful, doesn't make it a genocide. It is impossible to fight a war against an entity like Hamas and not have innocent people hit in the crossfire. Israel is in an unwinnable position in that sense. It either lets hamas terrorize it's population, or it fires back and risks killing innocent people.

It's a complex situation is what I'm getting it. Let's not pretend it's anything else to suit some juvenile good/bad narrative

Juvenile? I gave you expert opinions.

And I have good reason to believe they are wrong. 😊

Which is what? What expert opinion do you have? Or is this one of these "I know better than the experts" things?

Half a million other experts on the internet.

I said my bit, look up what's in it yourself.

Except they aren't experts. People who work for the UN and Human Rights Watch are. I'm not sure why you are equating random internet commenters to them. That's highly dishonest. It's like saying that you know more about the brain than a neurologist because a lot of internet commenters agree with you. The universe doesn't work that way.

I'm not going to get into the internal politics of the UN or the shit track record when it comes to accuracy that the activist wing has. Fact is you and me both know you can find a source that says anything you want. It's irrelevant and boring on top of that. I'm not doing homework for you.

I gave you a couple paragraphs explaining my reasoning. Now if you want to talk about that then fine

Again, I didn't just give you the UN.

And you have not found any sources at all. But I get it that you think you know better than any of those dumb experts with their stupid university degrees.

I actually have one of those stupid degrees.

Jokes on you, I was an expert all along

You don't, but you do have one more post to convince me you're not a troll.

Fact is you and me both know you can find a source that says anything you want. It’s irrelevant and boring on top of that.

I love seeing people trot out this line, its when you know they know they've run out of arguments lol. When 'anyone can find a source that says anything' and you can't even do that much, you're basically admitting you've lost the argument.

but there is no evidence of systematic attempts to eradicate the Arab population entirely.

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

There is overwhelming evidence of genocide, Apartheid, and disregard of civilian lives.

::: spoiler Apartheid

Amnesty Report

Human Rights Watch Report

B'TSelem Report with quick Explainer


::: spoiler Genocide

Holocaust scholar to discuss his conclusion that Gaza campaign constitutes genocide

UN Expert Says Impunity for Israel Must End as 'Genocidal Violence' Spreads to West Bank

“A Textbook Case of Genocide”: Israeli Holocaust Scholar Raz Segal Decries Israel’s Assault on Gaza

800+ Legal Scholars Say Israel May Be Perpetrating 'Crime of Genocide' in Gaza

Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated

AP News, Time, Reuters, Vox, CBC


::: spoiler Human Shields


Intentionally utilizing the presence of civilians or other protected persons to render certain areas immune from military attack is prohibited under international law. Amnesty International was not able to establish whether or not the fighters’ presence in the camps was intended to shield themselves from military attacks. However, under international humanitarian law, even if one party uses “human shields”, or is otherwise unlawfully endangering civilians, this does not absolve the opposing party from complying with its obligations to distinguish between military objectives and civilians or civilian objects, to refrain from carrying out indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks, and to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects.


Additionally, there is extensive independent verification of Israel using Palestinians as Human Shields:


::: spoiler Deliberate Attacks on Civilians

Israel deliberately targets civilian areas. From in general with the Dahiya Doctrine to multiple systems deployed in Gaza to do so:

Israel also targets Israeli Soldiers and Civilians to prevent them being leveraged as hostages, known as the Hannibal Directive. Which was also used on Oct 7th.


::: spoiler Starvation

Prior to the current hostilities, 1.2 million of Gaza’s 2.2 million people were estimated to be facing acute food insecurity, and over 80 percent were reliant on humanitarian aid. Israel maintains overarching control over Gaza, including over the movement of people and goods, territorial waters, airspace, the infrastructure upon which Gaza relies, as well as the registry of the population. This leaves Gaza’s population, which Israel has subjected to an unlawful closure for 16 years, almost entirely dependent on Israel for access to fuel, electricity, medicine, food, and other essential commodities.

After the imposition of a “total blockade” on Gaza on October 9, Israeli authorities resumed piping water to some parts of southern Gaza on October 15 and, as of October 21, allowed limited humanitarian aid to arrive through the Rafah crossing with Egypt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on October 18 that Israel would not allow humanitarian assistance “in the form of food and medicines” into Gaza through its crossings “as long as our hostages are not returned.”

Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza
