Non-Americans who have been to the US.. What is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don't realize is weird? to – 302 points –

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In Australia and New Zealand: we have skim milk, and call 2% milk "Hi-Lo" - sometimes I see it branded "lite milk". Then there's regular milk. It has 4% fat, but you need to read the fine print on the side of the bottle to learn that. I've heard it called "full cream milk", but usually in a cafe setting when ordering coffee.

My brother in the USA had something called half-and-half in his fridge. I think that one was 8%? You guys would know better than I. We don't have whatever it is.

Half-and-half is supposed to be "half milk, half cream" and is used primarily in coffee instead of heavy cream.

Use it for cheese sauces as well! They come out creamy and silky.

If you want a sauce that just won't break, add a single slice of the singles cheese, or 1/8 tsp of sodium citrate if you can find it, to 8 cups of cheese sauce. It won't change the flavor or color, but will create a silky smooth sauce that doesn't break like nacho cheese sauce.

Sodium citrate is an absolute game changer for cheese sauces.

Huh, I'm Australian and have never heard of hi-lo milk.
Full cream and light are the two most popular kinds where I am.
Also, you can't have a milk discussion in Australia without mentioning extra dollop