Seeing all this bad and negative things going on the internet let's change the pace, what is something that's good and you're excited for? to – 355 points –

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Lemmy to become mature enough to be a full replacement for Reddit

Already has


Not really, if you browse the big communities it has enough users but for more niche communities its not neatly nearly enough to be a replacement for reddit

I remade the niche communities I browse here.

Yes, only one other person posts on it, and they don't post exactly what I want, but that's how it is

I'm excited. I really missed Apollo. So this is filling the void bit by bit. :D I just signed up 10 minutes ago. It's awesome so far!


Thanks. :3 Hey, would you happen to know how to change the avatar on the profile? I looked everywhere in the app. I only see feed UI settings, etc...

I dunno.. why can’t Lemmy just be its own thing tho? I might’ve been using Reddit wrong or something but Lemmy feels so much better from the start for me.

At least if there is an interesting topic or a question I don’t have to scroll thru the same jokes or worse — joke trains, yeah sure, the beans happened, maybe I am getting too old to fully connect with the joke, whatever, but at least it is kinda self-contained, my wild guess would be if beans happened on Reddit, all the comments would be BEANS! for a month everywhere..

From a time perspective — I am really appreciating some amazing posts on Reddit with great histories and comments that I was reading for hours, some great AMAs or even the funny content if it was fresh.

With all this said, overall Reddit was mostly a really specific shit hole for me, yes, shit hole where occasional diamonds occurred but still. I can’t wrap my head around how imaginary internet points can distort even the most basic interactions.

I have no idea what the beans thing us, but I've been on kbin instead of lemmy for quite some time so maybe I missed it.