Seeing all this bad and negative things going on the internet let's change the pace, what is something that's good and you're excited for? to – 355 points –

Lemmy to become mature enough to be a full replacement for Reddit

Already has


Not really, if you browse the big communities it has enough users but for more niche communities its not neatly nearly enough to be a replacement for reddit

I remade the niche communities I browse here.

Yes, only one other person posts on it, and they don't post exactly what I want, but that's how it is

I'm excited. I really missed Apollo. So this is filling the void bit by bit. :D I just signed up 10 minutes ago. It's awesome so far!


Thanks. :3 Hey, would you happen to know how to change the avatar on the profile? I looked everywhere in the app. I only see feed UI settings, etc...

I dunno.. why can’t Lemmy just be its own thing tho? I might’ve been using Reddit wrong or something but Lemmy feels so much better from the start for me.

At least if there is an interesting topic or a question I don’t have to scroll thru the same jokes or worse — joke trains, yeah sure, the beans happened, maybe I am getting too old to fully connect with the joke, whatever, but at least it is kinda self-contained, my wild guess would be if beans happened on Reddit, all the comments would be BEANS! for a month everywhere..

From a time perspective — I am really appreciating some amazing posts on Reddit with great histories and comments that I was reading for hours, some great AMAs or even the funny content if it was fresh.

With all this said, overall Reddit was mostly a really specific shit hole for me, yes, shit hole where occasional diamonds occurred but still. I can’t wrap my head around how imaginary internet points can distort even the most basic interactions.

I have no idea what the beans thing us, but I've been on kbin instead of lemmy for quite some time so maybe I missed it.

My wedding in 11 days. Even though I'm somewhat stressed because I'll have to travel for it and there are some moving parts, I'm excited. Wife is taking it pretty well and she is excited as well!

Make sure to make a conscious choice to stop every once in a while and take the moments in, otherwise you might not remember anything because things are happening so fast on the day

When I got married I made the decision to avoid going around to all the guests and make sure they were happy/entertained etc. At the reception I basically stayed near the main table and just enjoyed the night. If people wanted to come and chat then they could.

Remembering that it was mine and my wife’s day took a real load off and helped with a lot of the pressure of the event.

Thank you for this. Exactly what I'm planning on doing. I'll just dance the night away basically.

I can’t recommend it enough. I spent our engagement party running around making sure everyone was having a good time, and didn’t enjoy it at all. Enough was enough. Hope you have a great time!

I literally made a comment saying the exact same thing some 10 days ago! i'll make sure I take a second and take it all in. Thank you!

The last 10 days leading up to my wedding were my most stressful but come wedding day it was gone all I cared about was being married to my favorite person. You’ve got this and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Yes, of course. I realize it is normal, especially seeing my wife taking it in great stride.

Thank you <3

Congrats in advance brother/sister! I literally just got back from mine and it went perfectly!

I’m pretty excited for getting married in the next three hours!


All the best! Hope everything goes smoothly!

The fediverse is something I'm excited for and it's still in it's infancy so it'll be intersting to see how it plays out as it starts getting more polished and user friendly.

Despite the doom and gloom of AI I think it's been really cool, and one area I've seen it help is for my relatives where instead of me having to solve basic tech issues AI has helped. When it develops into a full on companion that will do things it asks them to I'll be bothered less and less.

It’s frustrating to see peoples’ imaginations run wild with AI. They’re not building “sentient” machines. There will never be machines that are sentient in anything other than appearance, and we’re notoriously easy to fool in that way.

My favorite way to describe AI that I’ve heard is “applied statistics.” It’s basically just processing huge amounts of data, very fast, simultaneously, and then presenting conclusions that are usually very likely.

Yes, it will be used to make weapons that are horrifically efficient, but likewise it will be used to make defenses that are equally efficient.

I think the good will ultimately outweigh the bad. Hopefully by a long shot.

LLMs are spontaneously developing theory of mind and nobody knows why or how, meaning that now ChatGPT and the like are able to consider what the user is thinking, opening some avenues for actual manipulation. GPT-4 can solve 95% of ToM tasks that a 7-year-old could.


100% with you, but it needs to find a way to make itself more accessible to the average person. It’s a bit of a learning curve and there are a lot of people who won’t jump ship from the simplicity of Reddit because of that.

For me I have been having fun testing novel ai and trying tk play pseudo rpg adventures alone, I will probably never share anything but it has been really fun to try AI as a single player experience.

I watched this AI npc in Skyrim and the level of interactivity it brought is amazing. So often in games characters quickly run out of lines, and feel like dead mannequins in open world games. Having a game world where there are lasting consequences because NPCs remember what you did is going to be cool. As opposed the same lines being recycled over and over.

The possibility that things might one day get better for humankind. We're long overdue.

If you look at overall worldwide poverty and starvation numbers, coupled with medical advancements and indoor plumbing, now is a pretty good time to be a human. Yes, there are lots of problems, but the standard of living (for the average person) has gotten so much better in the last 200 years

Absolutely agree!

I'm currently midway trough Peter Zeihans The End of the World Is Just the Beginning and just started Yuval Noah Hararis Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow, he even cites a statistics which is that more people die from obesity than starvation each year, so we have that going for us. So far these two books are a nice contrast. I'm painfully aware of our currently novel situation and hoping things are gonna keep heading in the right direction. Actually would really want them to, trying my best to make them:

Great links and recommendations.

I have not read Peter Zeihans’ book, but going only by the blurb, I do take issues with the notion that global supply chains are only working because of the US Navy. That seems a wholeheartedly American view - as if China, or India, or the EU wouldn’t be able to trade unless the US Navy existed. If the point is one about piracy, then I certainly believe the fight against it, where it occurs, is deeply multinational and not dominated by the US Navy. Will have to read the book to understand his point, I think.

We'll so far it's been quite US centric so far, but I feel he has some solid arguments for most of his points. What's been intriguing to me is his economic history. It's presented in an engaging way.

Definitely reading it and thanks for the recommendation.

I’ll be trying out Linux outside of a virtual machine for the first time. I’ve got a SATA SSD external enclosure that I’ll be using to boot without messing with my current pc

Say goodbye to your free time. Linux is a huge rabbit hole.

In a good sense

And just for the first couple of days. Once you set it up it works like any other OS. I don't think most people change the way their pc works every other day. Once you get the hang of it it stays mostly the same. This year I changed full from w10 to mint and no issues since.

Yeah there’s a ton of stuff to learn. I’ve got some experience from my college courses but I want to get ahead before I take the ones that really test my Linux knowledge.

I don't agree. It depends really on what you're using it for. I have one machine with Xubuntu installed and it's been used just for browsing or putting movies to the tv and it's been just plug and play so far.

There was the one issue, of not being able to use some streaming services, because of drm protection meaning you can only stream via their windows desktop app not via browser. I took it as an invitation for streaming the stuff from somewhere else for free shrug

Are you going to unplug the existing harddisk? If your Linux /efi partition is written in the windows boot partition, you are kind of messed up.

Better unplug the existing harddisk and try Linux, once you are comfortable you can switch to dual boot then completely swith over to Linux.

I have dual booted Linux and Windows many times and never had a problem. I just boot my old Windows install through grub. The Ubuntu installer asks you if you want to do this and sets it all up for you.

I’ve seen tutorials where people installed Linux using a virtual machine that can only see the ISO usb and the drive you are installing Linux on to do that. It’ll be a pain removing the drives from my laptop. I probably won’t be dual booting because I use nvidia GPUs + can’t switch to Linux full time because nvidia and I use CUDA for projects.

Update us, how things went after you install it.

So I think I got it to work. Used a virtual machine to install it onto the drive, and now my laptop boots to Ubuntu when the drive is plugged in. Took a while for me to figure out which partition sizes I needed for stuff since I wanted to do manual partitioning.

Good luck! What distro are you trying?

I’m probably going to stick with something simple like Ubuntu 22.04 since some software I use is only supported on that.

John Green posted a video about a week ago calling out Johnson & Johnson for extending their patent for Bedaquiline, a medication that treats multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. The extension would prevent inexpensive generic versions from entering countries that are being ravaged by TB. After the video received critical reception and with John’s call to action, the public pounced on J&J. This led to J&J announcing they would allow the generic versions of Bedaquiline to be produced and shipped to the majority of low- and middle-income countries hit hard by TB, including countries where the patent is still in effect. We still don’t know which specific countries those are, but it’s still great news!

Plus, Hank Green is done with his chemo and seems to be mostly cancer-free for the time being.

I read the first half of this wondering which of us misread OPs title

Specifically, good things on the World Wide Web: research. The amount of good information available is incredible, compared with pre-Internet times. Weather forecasts, what the space telescope is looking at, what's happening in other parts of the world places in their own voice.

Sure, there is misinformation as well, and some people will cast doubt on anything they don't like or try to drown it out, but get past that, and this is a golden age of knowledge.

possibly getting a new laptop that is slightly better than my desktop, i hope to get into something like peertube/content creation but im still thinking it thru.

Go for it man! Since you’ve been thinking about it, you probably have the means and the talents to start. Why not do it? We’re rooting for you!

thank you i might start a gaming channel once i get a laptop, becasue it seems like the most fun and i hope to get a laptop soon but im still thinking about things like what i should do, and thanks.

I joined the great resignation to pursue a freelance art career. I'm excited but also terrified I'll just be another starving artist. At least I don't have to wake up at 6am anymore.

1 more...

-2025 Humans back in the Moon

-Late 2020’s early 2030’s new missions to Venus

-Late 2030’s drone to Saturns Moon Titan

-2030’s maybe Humans on Mars

What's this moon trip? First I've heard about it

You weren't invited. You know, after last time. You freaked everyone out with that playlist that was just full of Daniel Johnston and the Thomas the tank engine theme.

I'm excited for the moon trip also. Missed it the first time around, so why not enjoy it now?

Late 2030’s drone to Saturns Moon Titan

here we go again

Getting my year long undiagnosed chronic pain issues to be diagnosed. My neurologist has been proactive this past month since I saw him so I’m hoping we can get somewhere. Got proof, just no diagnoses

I’ve been there. It’s such a relief to finally have an official diagnosis, you feel strangely happy when you eventually get it. Just a little word of caution - if it’s an incurable condition there’s a bit of a dip after the initial “happiness”. It’s still better to have a diagnosis than not, but it can feel a bit anticlimactic. I’m wishing you well!

Glad you got diagnosed! My neurologist has already told me the expect a non curable situation sadly so I’ve accepted that

Due to the way I reacted to prednisone months back he talked to me today about potential lifelong immunoglobulin IVs that should help me a lot instead of destroying my immune system with steroids

I’m sorry to hear that. As someone who’s been on prednisolone since 2008 without pause, I truly hope IVIg is available for you (it wasn’t suitable for me). I have a whole bunch of rare incurable illnesses, if you need a stranger to talk to feel free to message me. It can be a lonely journey, I’m happy to help if I can.

Thanks I appreciate it. I got a blood test done and it didn’t show any muscle inflammation so now I just set up a spinal tap for next Tuesday. He thinks it’s some polyneuropathy thing but he says I’m the weirdest case he’s ever experienced. Told me my reflexes were different from when I saw him a month ago. It just all makes no sense. My emg on my legs shows my tibial nerve on both legs were messed up and then all my muscles were firing wrong. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ On painkillers (hydro), Lyrica, and muscle relaxers and yet I’m still in pain. Have some control issues with my legs and just a lot of stuff. I’m sorry you’re going through all this. You can also reach out to me, it is quite a lonely journey especially when you’re 25 and no one can relate or understand

I was 21 when I was diagnosed, symptoms started at 18. I was told I’d never be able to work, that I’d never have children, and I’d be lucky to see 30. I went to an irl support group and had to sit through a 55 year old woman sobbing because she needed to take early retirement and she really liked her job. At the time it felt so utterly minuscule compared to the loss I was grieving it just made me angry. I was angry a lot when I was younger. I’m 37 now so I beat the odds and I’ve learnt to live with the unfairness of it - and to accept that people like that 55 year old woman are perfectly entitled to grieve for their loss. Suffering is subjective, and if that’s the worst thing that ever happened to that woman, it’s terrible for her.

RE the pain… MEDICAL CANNABIS. I’m in the UK and it’s only recently been made legal for medical purposes. You can’t get it on the NHS though, I have to pay privately and without a job that’s really hard. But it’s worth the sacrifice - my life has improved dramatically in the year I’ve been taking it. I was on a huge dose of gabapentin (sister drug to lyrica) 600mg at 8am, 12pm, 4pm and 900mg at 8pm. Plus NSAIDs, immune modulating drugs, benzodiazepines, amitriptyline, and 3 different opioids. I’ve reduced those drugs by about a third since I started medical cannabis and my pain is better than I can ever remember.

Hope the lumbar puncture goes well - it’s not as bad as it sounds, promise! The bit of back pain you can get afterward is just like period cramps - a hot water bottle will help 🙂

I live in Colorado in the US and we have legal weed here. I use CBD, CBG, and THC and it helps but I’m no good when I’m baked during the day. I use it ay night. That’s amazing you are still here and beat the odds, keep that going!

I can only imagine how that woman felt going through that. Luckily I went through school for software engineering and I got a remote job. If I wasn’t able to work from home I wouldn’t be able to work. So little can make my pain so bad it’s debilitating.

I’m very glad you’re feeling better than ever, that’s amazing to hear. I hope one day I’m able to say that. Do you get side effects from prednisone? Every medical person has told me that going on it long term has many side effects but sometimes you just have to do it. I really hope the immunoglobulin will be a correct fit for me.

Right now I’m on 100mg Lyrica 3 times daily, celecoxib 200mg, 12 mg tizanidine, have Cyclobenzaprine also, and then 20mg hydro daily. I just started the hydro a week ago. I also take 100mg tramadol xr. I was on 100mg tram xr and 200mg ir throughout the day and it did nothing. The hydro already does so much more but it’s still not enough.

Having this chronic pain has really made me see life from a different perspective. I moved from Seattle washing where I grew up to denver Colorado just last July because I love hiking, snowboarding, and biking. But just soon after I moved it started and slowly progressed and then in January is when it got bad so now I can’t even do the things I moved here for. It really sucks. At least I’m happier here in general.

I’m sorry it took 3 years for you to get diagnosed. I really hope something can be figured out in the next year. It just sucks so bad not being able to be on the medication like prednisone that really helps me because it can affect results of tests. I don’t even know if I care about a diagnoses at this point. I just want to either be on correct pain medication or something that allows me to do stuff

Glad you got diagnosed! My neurologist has already told me the expect a non curable situation sadly so I’ve accepted that

Glad you got diagnosed! My neurologist has already told me the expect a non curable situation sadly so I’ve accepted that

I repurposed my 2008 ThinkPad as a server, saving it from the trash for yet another year!

What do you run on it?

Running Zoneminder so my GF can keep an eye on her shop from her phone (without paying someone a subscription).

My sister gave back an old hand-me-down computer that I had given her years ago, and I did the same thing. It's not the best or the fastest, but it has an ethernet port!

Currently got it set up with a (somewhat jank) Jellyfin setup, as well as hosting some of the Discord bots I create.

This is probably going to sound mundane, but I finally got my career back on track after the plague and have enough money to take my cats to the vet for proper medical care. Feel like I've been living at vets lately, but everyone's ears are clean, teeth have been checked, bloodwork done, and has the meds they need to thrive. I felt so bad that for two years the vet was life threating visits only.

What I'm looking forward to is many more years with my wonderful pets!


Hopefully with a retirement plan to go with it.

Retirement without any plans often ends in (worse) depression and anxiety.

I went hiking on Saturday and I took a fuck ton of pictures, I'm really looking forward to editing the best shots from the trip. The hike was so beautiful it's probably going to be pretty hard to pick, and honestly that's the best kind of problem to have.

Also I have a bunch of miniatures that are at the point of needing a final pass of paint before being done, that I'm really excited to finish up.

Where (generally) were you hiking? I live near the Appalachian Trail & I love to get out for a good hike every now and then.

I live in the PNW so I usually hike around Mt St Helens, Mt Adams, and Mt Hood.

This last weekend though I went to a little place called Black Hole Falls

My excitement is maybe small, but I’m excited about the 5-ish hours of sleep I’ve just had, which is such a gift after weeks of pain waking me up all the time

Today I've ordered the parts for my new PC, which will be a lot faster than my current one

Neat. Did you come up with the configuration yourself or did you use some reference, e.g. Lemmy?

I plan on doing the same in autumn/winter and I want to make sure everything's compatible.

I have a friend who knows more about hardware than I do, so he helped me and we used

Thanks! The page seems to put more focus on "custom builds", whereas the other page linked has more granular presets for the builds. I've bookmarked them both and will try and cross-reference my selected hardware and compare suggestions.

I'm beginning to plan hosting a monthly dinner for friends, maybe starting in the fall. I'm excited thinking about having people I love gather over food regularly

I'll keep it short term and simple. Wednesday nights I do cocktails and listen to live jazz group from the local school music students from 6pm-7pm, then I walk to my local sushi joint for great fish!

I have a powerlifting meet on Sunday that I’m excited for. Going to set some PRs hopefully!

The company I work for changed their policy on paid vacations. Starting in August I'm going to have a lot of vacation days and I'm going to use them.

I dont know why im struggling with this question. Work is going well, but I don't really have much I'm looking forward to, atm. I feel like everything I have planned is more stressful than fun.

Sometimes I pick something arbitrary to look forward to. Like, make a reservation at a restaurant with great desserts for 3 weeks out or something and look forward to that. Or decide I'm gonna be excited about Amazon announcing new hardware in September because maybe we'll get more kindles with USB C charging.

Hmm, this is actually a good idea. I should write down some ideas.

Actually really excited for the decentralized internet...

Internet has always been decentralized, it's just a fight to keep it that way

I'm excited to see my two teenage daughters perform together in their theater camp production in a couple of weeks. Seeing my girls growing up so fast can be bittersweet, and I relish these moments when they are so clearly full of joy for what they are doing. They will even have a duet together!

I feel really happy for you! I’ve got two older daughters who are both into their performing arts and nothing will reduce me to tears quicker than seeing them blossoming during a performance, doing things that have taken years and years of practice and which I could never hope to achieve.

What a beautiful description of those beautiful moments! 💗 I wish I had tried theater. I think it can really help kids to develop social and communication skills, as well as confidence.

I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year. I'm so psyched to show all the old crones in the families how to do a proper holiday. I have so many fucking garlands in my Amazon shopping cart. Need another paycheck or two before I can pull the trigger.

I'm excited for my yoyo of the month mystery box. July's box was dope!

What's that? Is this something involving weed or is it like a yoyo as in the toy? I'm legit wondering how people add variance to such a simple thing

Oh man, you should look into it. The yoyo (toy) scene is going through an absolute renaissance. Here's a good video from Wired to get an overview of the hobby.

I'm not much of a collector, but my daily driver is a "MagicYoyo T5 Plus Overlord" I picked up on Amazon. One day I'd like to upgrade to something like the "Monarch."

Sorry about the delayed response. My job is kicking my ass. Here's a link to all the modern yoyo styles of play. If you want to dive into the hobby, feel free to pm me and I'll be happy to help.

I haven't played with a yoyo in a very long time. Is Duncan still a solid brand? Now I want a yoyo.

Iirc Duncan is still pretty solid (and easy to find), though there's a lot of options out there these days.

If you're looking for a more modern entry-level yoyo, I'd personally recommend the Crystal K2. This one comes with a spare "unresponsive" bearing, so if you ever decide to get into the more advanced tricks you'll be covered.

I'm cooking a pork roast to eat this week and I'm going to a concert next week. I also just bought a 15 pack of beer. Amazing things happening over here.

you had me at pork roast

It's gonna be done in 20 minutes. Come over.

What concert?

I'm seeing a technical death metal and brutal death metal show at a tiny venue that has 90s WWE on the bar TV and serves $3 beers. The kind of place where you are 2 feet from the musicians. Defeated Sanity from Germany and Stabbing from Texas are at the top of the bill. Two others at the bottom I have not heard yet.

Pork roast, live music and beer. You might've won the thread..

It’s adult night at the skating rink tonight and I’m going 🛼

I've had a rough 2 years, I think I'm looking forward to going back to school this year. (Teacher)

Hard question for a pessimist. I have some pretty delicious lunch coming up so that's pretty great.

Having an early morning swim in the sea every morning for the next few weeks.

I’m excited for the rapid development of apps for Lemmy. I’m on iOS and have been checking out Voyager (Wefwef), Avelon, Memmy, Mlem and Thunder, and they are all smashing it!

I'm planning to live life a little and buy a motorcycle soon. I've always wanted to drive a motorcycle so this keeps me motivated.

I'm not sure on your mental health condition. But if there's one thing I've learnt from getting my big bike licence. Its done wonders for me.

And a little tip for you. Get really good gear. Even if you don't think you'll come off or if youre only going lut for half an hour. Anything can happen. And good gear, so jacket, trousers, gloves, helmet and boots can be the major difference between a few broken bones and agonising death/amputated limbs.

Oh and filtering ear plugs. I got some the other week and they've been a live saver. I can still hear my music perfectly fine. But they protect your hearing from the constant sound of the engine and all the wind.

Be safe out there, brother.

I've already gotten a helmet so far and I'm looking at other gear. What brands and price ranges would you recommend for someone on a budget (I'm paying ~$2000 for my first motorcycle)?

I'm not sure what brands you have in America. But, ome brand that I've heard recommended is Alpinestar. Expensive, but again, can't say from experience. But they're quite good from what I've heard.

I wear near enough full RST, I got a trousers/jacket textile suit for about, I think, 320 usd. It has padded elbows, shoulders, and a back plate. And padding at the knee caps. I also have RST boots that extend higher up the legs. And some summer gloves with padded knuckles and leather around the palm and mesh on top. But, my other gloves were chasing really bad sweating.

I don't think the US and the UK use the same safety rating guide. But, as long as you're getting from a reputable brand, and getting protection for the most important parts, you should be okay. So the most important being hands, back, elbows, shoulders, knees, and feet/ankles. Don't use steel capped boots though. As one read those can cause more damage to the toes.

For a very rough price, I think you should aim for about 500 usd for the rest of the gear. Might seem excessive, but like I said, can be the difference between life and death.

Actually, some where i got confused was between textile and leather. But, whilst leather is a lot better as it won't tear as easily. Good textile would be more than enough unless you're going to really be breaking speed limits and going for track days.

here's 2 videos from a youtuber, he knows more than I do.

and the second

Don't worry too much about jumping straight for summer clothing and and cold clothing. Cold clothing will more than likely have thermals you can remove. And, with the exception of being stuck in traffic/at traffic lights, once you're actually moving you should get a nice breeze. And something I love about my rst jacket. Its got titty zips. If its a warm day, open them up, and it allows a lovely breeze to engulf your top half.

Started on a Honda Shadow. Super gentle and comfy for a newbie in my opinion, if a bit on the heavy side.

Nice! I don't really want to start on a heavy bike though, as all I've experienced are pedal powered bikes before and I want to get used to the weight.

It's definitely worth it, but being brand new be really careful with the controls, a little on the throttle goes a long ways for (most) motorcycles.

That's why I'm thinking of starting with a used 250! Perfect for around the city and the occasional excursion into the twisties on the way to a day hike.

About to move for just a few months for my wife's job. I think the kids will be cool with it they are still young but I know they'll miss their family here. Otherwise, super stoked

I’m excited to throw my kid her first real birthday party (f u covid)

I'm currently getting fast food from the best local joint in my whole city: Dick's.

If you ask me, they are the best of the best when it comes to their fast food and fries out of any fast food joint in all of my city.

Eat a bag of Dicks for me too, fellow Seattle'ite

I don't even like Dicks cos I don't eat burgers but I do like talking about eating bags of Dicks.

I'm in a nearby city that also has Dick's. I always thought it was local to Spokane until my first time in Seattle nearly a decade ago.

I was thinking you meant Dickie's, and I was confused for several reasons.

I’m going to try to keep the SpaceBaby’s name out of this, but I am genuinely excited for the step change the next generation of lift vehicles will bring to space exploration.

I’ve become thoroughly depressed with how we are mishandling our own planet, and I know there are huge risks in believing that finding new places to fuck up will solve anything (also, it’s a pipe dream - terraforming isn’t something we could really hope to achieve and anything outside our solar system is just too far away) … but, dammit, my 12-year old self dreamed of spaceships refuelling in orbit, resupplying permanent missions on other planets/moons, and now it might actually happen.

SO is preparing the dough for pizza on Thursday. Also, this is my Friday. Less then an hour left.

My mum is coming to visit soon. I live in the USA and she's back in Australia. It'll be the first time she's travelled overseas since the late '80s. She's very excited about it :)

I'm super hyped for Pikmin 4 coming out on Friday. Nintendo basically can't miss with Pikmin games so I have no doubt it'll be excellent, and I just replayed the first three.

I installed a new stereo in my car with my brother. I’m enjoying it. Might need to have a few quirks check though!

I have simple needs, so I'm going to say I'm really excited for news on the upcoming game Persona 5: Tactica.

I expect to be disappointed, but for now the dream is real.

I'm going to see spiderman a second time later this week. It's such a good movie.

Sinopec built the world's first commercial scale solar power to hydrogen plant last month. I thought we were decades away from this with a bunch of oil companies exploiting policies with "blue" hydrogen, but the legit green hydrogen economy is going to be a thing in my lifetime and that's amazing.