Inside Trump’s Fascist Plan to Control All Federal Agencies if He Wins

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 153 points –
Inside Trump’s Fascist Plan to Control All Federal Agencies if He Wins

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How is this narcissistic, megalomaniac clown still leading in the race to be the Republican candidate for president of the United States? I often thought that the one to take him down would be a Republican with a conscience, but there doesn't seem to be any of them left. If we don't mobilize Gen Z to vote we just might be living in Gilead soon.

The republican machine ate itself and they can’t undo it. Fox News would edit his speeches to make him sound smarter and remove his gaffes, and would shield him from criticism because they feared losing viewers. Now he’s unrealistically popular among the base and they can’t tell the truth about him.

To win the Rublican primaries you need to be unhinged to appeal to the base. Once you're in, all the other Republican voters fall into line.

No one is really voting on issues/policy. They're trying to keep their team in and the other team out. It's depressing.

About half of Gen X, Millennials, and Zoomers are united on that.

Gen Xer here. I'm doing my part. Voting regularly against Republicans.

Like, whatever, if it has an R, like I vote against it ;)

Here's hoping we all stay engaged and keep voting in every election