How is reddit traffic doing? to – 144 points –

Hey all, Still occasionally dipping into Reddit but am finding myself gradually transitioning to Lemmy (shoutout to Memmy!). I was wondering if anyone here knows, what has reddit traffic been like these last few months? Is it declining or holding strong? Thanks


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I only know about the subs I mod.

A popular one with a couple million subscribers is seeing way less posts and less traffic.

A smaller niche sub that I mod is still quite active with no signs of stopping.

From a user perspective that's my experience, too

The bigger subs are easily migrated to Lemmy with enough users to produce regular content. The smaller communities here are extremely deserted as the smaller userbase of Lemmy seems to hit those the hardest - also the federated nature making it harder for users to connect groups with similar topics together and select one as the main one

One possible exception to that, at least so far, seems to be r/nfl. It’s a behemoth on Reddit, but it seems like few made the jump to the fediverse, sadly.

Figures. Escaping the omnipresent obsession with sports is almost as impossible as escaping the grim specter of politics. Impressive considering how objectively irrelevant it is compared to said politics.

im just surprised that i claimed the name c/leftism, now i contorlthe largest leftist space on