Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists to World – 94 points –
Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists


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The people that could have done something about this don’t care. We’re past that now. So there’s little point in sounding the alarms now. This train is unstoppable.

It's still going to get worse, if we don't do things now.

Do you seriously think nothing has been done up until now? Like… no one bothered until you just said something?

People have been screaming from the rooftops for decades! Initiatives have been started on local levels to promote climate-based healing and programs.

Look at where we are.

It’s worse than ever.

WE- have no power to do anything about it. It’s over. We lost.

I don't think that, no.

People just love their defeatism, and I'm not having it. There is no point in giving up.

It’s not defeatism. It’s realism. Science supports what I’m saying. Deny it all you wish. The damage is irreparable.

I did not claim, the damage was reparable. I said, it's still going to get worse, if we don't keep fighting. And there is no point in giving up, because even then, you'll still be affected. Do it as revenge against fossil fuel companies, if that motivates you. But don't just lower your hands for them to punch you in the gut.

It’s going to get worse, AS we keep fighting. Just like it has for the past several decades. Again, do you seriously think people have yet to start fighting this? You’re the first one to come up with the idea to do something?

It’s over man. We never stood a chance. Just let it go and enjoy the rest of your life.

Again, I do not think that.

I do not consider the rest of my life enjoyable, if it involves ever longer and hotter summers, with our life-supporting ecosystems collapsing one after another. Even if the end result is inevitable, I would prefer to delay all the shit before that, to keep it at least to a degree enjoyable for as long as possible.

Just let it go and enjoy the rest of your life.

Nope. Not when my kids will have to try and survive in the shitshow they are being handed.

It's my responsibility to do as much as I am able to try and mitigate as much of the the damage as possible.

For their sake, if not for the collective good.

In 20 years: +2°C is unavoidable, +3°C would require the whole world to reduce the emissions by as much as the covid crisis did... Each year.

Even if the best political minds come to term with that and take actions, I don't see us stopping. I don't see us capping at 3, nor at 4. Nor at 6.

I'm not disagreeing with that. But I'd rather reach those +2°C in 20 years than in 10 years. Because even the current +1.5°C are already impacting my life quality.

Cheer up, the Dow is up two points!

I love it when rich people get richer! Thanks! 😁

Like I have investments so that applies to me also, but I also have children. This shit is not ok.

Yeah at this point, there's two types of people. Those who aren't interested in climate change either because they don't believe it will happen or believe we can stop it, and those who are absofuckinlutely terrified. I think I'd rather be blissfully ignorant.

There is a calmness to it. There is not much I can do but I do as much as I can while enjoying life. I don't think anything could have made me appreciate each day as much as climate change and to boot I don't worry much about my job and the future well because the writings on the wall. Do what I agreed to and then go out and smell the flowers and enjoy the best my life will be going forward.

There's a "calmness" to it now... Maybe see how calm it is once wars over water, massive climate migration, famine, etc. etc. start becoming a daily occurrence.

Teach me how.

I mean its just acceptance to me. Maybe try yoga or buddhism. Being a philosphy buddhism has a lot of interpretations but one Im keen on now is taking that its not that we cause our own suffering but that suffering is and we cause more of it if we don't accept what is. Im not going to indulge in things that make global warming worse and going to try and keep on reducing my effect on the planet any way I can and relate and encourage others to do so as well as the best as they can but really im just going to enjoy what I can that is simple. Taking walks and relaxing in the outdoors in the area around me is my go to enjoy the world activity. I also think about how the food I eat might not be something I will have in the future and try to be present and enjoy every bite. Same with hot/cold clean running water, electricity, internet, and climate control. These are miracles that we have each and every day. I let it be kinda hot when its hot and kinda cold when its cold so that I can appreciate when its not. People in the south and west are letting their temperature in house get to where its causing health issues and they can't drink their tap water. Im lucky enough to not be experiencing that so im going to enjoy not experiencing that. Im enjoying these days I don't have to put on a kn95 due to bad air quality while outdoors (way worst than covid masking because you can't take it off when no one is around outside. Its like reverse covid where you can only take it off in doors. well or ignore the health effects. in that way they are the same.).

I'll add that some of those that have the means of doing something are doing something.

Another thing. People that don't think climate change is real will learn the hard way when their livelihood get impacted by its consequences. Deniers can ignore reality, but it certainly won't ignore them

They can just blame the liberals for losing their livelihood. And then when the supply chain breaks down, they can blame them again.

I'd rather be blissfully ignorant of a lot of things. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of "forgetting" the awful shit I already know.