Some critics see Trump's behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero to politics – 220 points –
Some critics see Trump's behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero

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Evangelicals who follow Trump lose all of their ability to preach morals to anyone else. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

they didn't have any to begin with. what kind of person thinks it's a good idea to worship something that demands human sacrifice? or commands genocide? endorses slavery, considers women to be second class, drowns an entire planet, condemns his children to eternal torture..... need I go on?

The most fucked up thing about the flood myth, to me despite the global genocide, is that this idiot God, in order to restart also just casually nukes every single animal.... All those animals drowning and suffering an agonizing death as they keep swimming until they are too exhausted and drown...

They did NOTHING to deserve that kind of cruelty... Yet religious people look at that story and don't bat an eye...

How utterly cruel and incompetent is your God of that a global flood is the answer?

But... It gets worse... He's also supposed to be all knowing, so he made the "original" humans KNOWING he'd have to wipe them all out.....

I mean.... That story is so bizzare and stupid, and idiotic and childish... For a grown ass adult to believe any of it, other than as some fucked up fantasy moral punishing story is just beyond fucked up.