Update: The hottest 21 days ever recorded were the last 3 weeks

nothingcorporate@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1775 points –

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Where I'm from, we were massively talking about it in the 80s when I was a kid. It promply stopped by the end of the 90s. Then all of sudden, we don't hear much about it.

It's so fucked up to be told all your life that your are insane to believe in climate change, and then about 40 years later, most people talk about it as if it was a given.

We should not be anxious about climate change, we should be furious.

It was being talked about in newspapers a century ago. The fossil fuels companies have known for a very long time, and have been suppressing it for a very long time, hiring many of the same people involved in suppressing evidence that tobacco causes cancer. We should be torches and pitchforks in the street livid.

Yeah, I remember the topic from school in the 90s, where it said "if we don't start to do anything about it soon, it will have serious catastrophic consequences in about 30 years". And now here we are.

I was a kid in the early 2000's and I remember that page from the science book that we were reading during class, and it was also already alarming us about climate change/global warming. And like you said, here we are...

Nobody stopped talking about it.

Its that the channels that we watch news on have now been fragmented / specialized to the point where we can "watch the news" and only get right wing propaganda.

I remember this also in the 80s. But we were mostly worried about the ozone. Then that got figured out, more or less, and we got stuck with reduce, reuse, recycle.

Same generation here. I really think boomers and their selfish politics are greatly to blame for lost momentum.

Fuck generational politics. There are class, gender, and racial divisions within each generation. We have more in common with working class and oppressed boomers than with ruling class members of our own generation.