Google is already pushing Web Environment Integrity into Chromium to – 966 points –
[wei] Ensure Origin Trial enables full feature · chromium/chromium@6f47a22

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EU really is the one doing all the good work. Meanwhile, the US government is useless as a government for its size.

Maybe if our politicians weren't fucking 80 years old and actually understood technology even a little bit.

“Here’s our millennial expert on technology to explain it to us. Thank you for being here.”

“No problem.”


... they'd know what exact nasty deeds they're being paid for? How does that help you?

First of all, you need accountable politicians that serve their nation. Age, while it's important, is not of prime importance.

Basically they have made themselves kings and everyone else are peasants. Now they are dividing the land between them.

The US government being useless against megacorps is not a bug, it's a feature