Barbie rule to – 719 points –

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ELI5 I know what the gulf stream is, but what will that do to civilization?

Mass exodus. Mass famine. Water shortages. Resource wars. Lost technology.

Typical apocalypse stuff.

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

Nothing. The rich will be rich, the poor will be poor, a few billion will die, and the PS7 will get released.

Business as usual.

I've read that it will see another ice age when it collapses.

We're in an ice age. This is pure pedantry but the correct term is glaciation.

But with climate change the earth will never experience another glaciation. It'll simply never get cold enough on it's own.