The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide to – 302 points –
The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide

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Tories really trying to cause as much harm as possible before they get voted out so they can blame the next party for mismanaging their mistakes.


the U.K.’s Minister for Culture, Media and Sport simply re-hashes an imaginary world in which messages can be scanned while user privacy is maintained.

Those are literally opposites to each other.

It's not just the Tories, Keir Starmer has already tried to get VPN's included in the bill. Don't kid yourself its going to be any better when Labour get in.

Keir Starmer is just a colour blind Tory who put on the wrong sash.

No doubt, but he's very likely going to be the next PM. Even if the current proposed legislation doesn't get through the Lords or get scrapped or not implemented before the Tories get booted out, he clearly sees this sort of bill as a good thing and will introduce his own.

Labour's authoritarian streak is slightly more than the tories. Only sightly, mind. Labour have zero intention of stopping or (if it goes through - it still needs to go through the Lords yet, and as I understand it, they're not as keen) if it goes into law: removing it.

Tories really trying to cause as much harm as possible before they get voted out so they can blame the next party for mismanaging their mistakes.

That's the conservative M.O. It's literally the only thing they do.

You're underestimating Starmer Chameleon's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Plus starmer's gov would probably do something similar lol the man is a red Tory through and through