Brave will not add Web Integration support to – 1179 points –

I think we need all support we can get to fight Google on this, so I welcome Brave here actually.

Use this link to avoid going to Twitter:


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Yes but why is eich saying this? It would be the end of brave surely.

Wether it is the end for brave or not we don't know (judging by the core users of Brave and FF I highly doubt that it will just be the end of Brave or Firefox)

I'm fairly certain that it will split the web apart even more. Then we have the "totally safe and totally not monitored" adinfested buzzweb. We have the chinese walled garden web. And ofc the darkweb (e.g. tor and onion-sites). And the new addition will be the gray-web or something because "ya JusT cAn'T be SuRe" (completely disregarding that the current APIs are really just about all that's needed. Imo someone running a website has in their own interest and in their own responsibility to secure their site and servers. WEI is a cheap stupid cop out at best for security concerns and "you WILL be looking at our fucking ads, you fucking data slave" at worst.

I just don't see how a browser could be viable if it wasn't compatible with say Google/ twitter.

I use brave search. If Twitter implements this thing, I guess I'll stop using it completely

My goodness me.

Of course it will be possible to avoid use of any WEI sites, but I think it will be much more difficult than you think. What about internet banking, or government websites, or stack overflow.

We both know that you'll end up using Brave where you can, and some other browser with WEI support.