Me to me to – 87 points –

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Hey, it's not cool to target someone, especially to trigger their PTSD. Stop that.

Someone who goes onto every post I make with a She-Ra meme talking about how it's a 'monarchist' show with a 'racial caste' system?

Is that what you think PTSD looks like? Searching out memes of children's shows to complain about the politics therein? Not to mention they hadn't said anything about PTSD before I said that I was going to post She-Ra every time they complained about it, so I'm not really sure how you got the idea that I'm seeking to trigger their PTSD there unless you think my posts are capable of time-travel.

So just because they can say something back means they aren't suffering because of you?

I'm suffering because of them. This is one of the few joys that I had in a very dark time in my life, and having some asshole I've already blocked butt in on every fucking time I try to share it with the most low-effort 'hurr it's actually tyranny' bullshit while I sit here in fucking pain trying to keep my mind off things is pretty fucking distressing, so fuck you and fuck your selective empathy.

And lmao at this prick saying I'm 'fakeclaiming' mental illness. I can still fucking taste blood, so fuck them and their 'My PTSD is real but your's isn't' too.

And fuck their fake apology below too. "Let's compromise and do what I originally wanted - you not posting She-Ra" isn't anything of the sort. Especially rich is them claiming they believe me 'now' when they accused me of 'fakeclaiming' before, which is hard to do without implying a claim. Trolling while using the language of mental health is still trolling. They can fuck off and not comment on my posts. The world isn't going to be scrubbed of shows they don't like because they claim it triggers their PTSD.

Oh, I didn't apologise to you. You see, you're the one who's deliberately been triggering other people and accusing people of faking mental illness. You don't deserve an apology. But you do deserve basic respect, and that's why I believe you when you say you have a mental illness.

Now yes, the solution I proposed is the same thing I've been asking for all along. Because though it may come as a shock to you, I am asking for something completely reasonable that is in both our best interest. I'm not the one triggering mentally ill people on purpose, that's you. And you're also the one who posted a meme about how abusive it is to fakeclaim someone a few hours before you fakeclaimed someone. You are the Shadow Weaver in this scenario, and even this monarchist show knows enough to call people like you abusers.

What you have been doing is harmful to others and destructive to yourself. So the easy and sensible thing to do is stop.

Now that you have told me you have PTSD, I believe you. I did not believe you had PTSD when your choice of action was deliberately and knowingly provoking me, because you didn't tell anyone you were upset, and nobody here is a mind reader.

Now, it's clear that I'm being triggered by seeing your memes, and you're being triggered by me pointing out that you're promoting an idealized view of dictatorships. So maybe the correct path to de-escalation is to stop deliberately antagonizing me, and then neither of us will be panicking or having flashbacks to the rape of our wives.

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If you have PTSD, then maybe you could have a little empathy and stop doing this on purpose, which you already admitted to.

You know what I don't do, as someone with PTSD? Seek out triggers and demand others change normal things they do in public spaces to suit me deliberately seeking out my triggers. If their claim of being triggered by She-Ra is true, for whatever reason, then the obvious solution is to not fucking seek it out.

I'm done engaging. The block function on this site really needs to be improved so I don't get barraged with notifications by people I've already blocked. It's really quite counterintuitive.

I'm sorry the block function won't let you escape this person, they're a known troublemaker:

They doxxed one of the raddle mods and try to play victim all the time. They've been on a smear campaign of raddle for over a month now. All the evidence proving them wrong is in the various raddle TOSBreach threads.

Also the other person downvoting/replying to you is their partner. It was also banned for doxxing and harassing the same mod. You're being ganged up on, and you really aren't doing anything wrong. Sadly this is their modus operandi.

Well, thank you for telling me. That does make me feel a little better. I hate losing my temper over such things.

You're just victim blaming, trying to justify triggering someone because it's a public space, and trying to get the last word in. You're still in the wrong.

I have not been seeking it out, as I already told you and as you ignored. Listening to people when they're hurt is a very important skill for freedom fighters. Telling mentally ill people to "just suck it up while changing none of your own behaviour is a very important skill for fascist soldiers. Maybe you could stop exemplifying every example of abusive behaviours in your favourite show. You're not supposed to see the Evil Horde as role models.

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I've just been browsing. You're the one who keeps putting it into my feed just because you know I don't like it. And yeah, I get angry when I'm triggered. It's called a fight or flight response for a reason, and any veteran can tell you what that reason is. Now you want to fakeclaim a mental illness? You're just like every other She-Ra fan who claims to like the show because it portrays trauma sympathetically, and then goes on to attack mentally ill people.

You can't expect the world to accommodate for everything you struggle with. These memes are doing nothing unreasonable to the average person, people seem to be enjoying them. If you are getting triggered this badly by something so benign then you're going to have to solve it yourself. If we would block every meme that triggers somebody on the world, I'm afraid there wouldn't be many left.

OP has been triggering me on purpose. Not being an asshole on purpose isn't an unreasonable accommodation.

How so? Most of these memes seem to be just She-Ra images with some funny text. Does OP personally know you? Or do the images/text somehow refer to you in some way?

Putting it in your feed? They don't have control over what's shows up in your feed, you do by being allowed to block users and communities you don't want to see and if you're at risk of seeing things that might trigger your PTSD then the communities you subscribe to should be curated and you're the only one who can do that.

The content they're posting follows the community's rules, you can't ask them to stop posting it.

My criticisms of the "dictatorships are great" show also follow the rules

It's not as if it was constructive criticism or the place to complain about the origin of the image in the meme.

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