Joe Rogan Says It’s a ‘Fact’ That Jan. 6 Was a False Flag, Cites Ray Epps to politics – 636 points –
Joe Rogan Says It’s a ‘Fact’ That Jan. 6 Was a False Flag, Cites Ray Epps

Rogan promoted the conspiracy theory that Epps was an “agent provocateur” for the feds, a baseless claim that has led to a defamation suit against Fox News.


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The accusation isn't that they staged a false flag. The accusation is that they used CIs as agent provocateurs. It's interesting that a bit of word magic will make the left deny something happened even though it's been a common tactic used for decades at least.

LEO agents intentionally incite crowds so they can claim them as unlawful and disperse them.

You're telling me that trump lost control of his appointees before he left the white house or that he was the one who ordered leo's to provoke the riot? No matter how you try to spin Jan 6th it falls on trumps shoulders. And we know the government provokes shit it just so happens that this time it was done in plain sight and the right is denying it. We heard his speeches and read his tweets too.

What are you fucking smoking? Read my words, not your made up fucking opponent's.

I'm telling you that the accusations were that one or more CIs were used by LEO to incite riots, which we all recognize is standard operating procedure. This isn't a crazy accusation. That was all I said and if you make up more shit to pretend I said I'm not going to continue bothering.

This seems like an emotional topic for you.

This is the internet. You're allowed to swear. I just happen to respond to dishonest bullshit strongly.

What's dishonest about pointing out that if the FBI provoked the riot it was either trump who ordered it or trump who ignored it? Who do you think was in charge on Jan 6th if not tangerine palpatine?

Who do you think was in charge on Jan 6th if not tangerine palpatine?

I don't know and I honestly haven't looked into it deeply. I'm not really commenting on that. I'm also unsure why you think the guy Trump appointed would help him after he lost the election. Nobody with the credentials to run the FBI is gonna treason for last year's president.

I think the headline is overstating it. Nobody has to order LEO or their informants to incite crowds. It's a thing they do. You're assuming they were expecting insurrection, whict I don't think they were. Hanlon's Razor seems appropriate. They did their standard fedboi bullshit and it got way bigger than they expected. I just don't think it's unreasonable or a wild conspiracy theory to think LEO used tactics we've seen them use in every major city in ths US.

The FBI are not good people and we shouldn't cuddle up to them because they're putting the 'right' people in jail right now.

M8 all this article is is a shitty attempt to throw someone under the bus and brand them deep state and you're buying it so hard.

No need for deep state shennanigans. Cops incite protests to turn into riots. Standard pig bullshit. I haven't reviewed the evidence in this case, but someone thinking police used agent provocateurs isn't deep state conspiracy shit. It's actually kind of expected. Get a donut and coffee. Violate some civil rights. All in a day's work.

Aight so that explains why the stormed the capital but why did they show up to a standard event that happens every 4 years? And why did they bring guns and tactical gear? And why did they build a gallows? They didn't need cops to incite shit, they showed up with a plan and for once in US riot history the cops actions aren't blatantly horrible yet it's what everyone wants to point to this time. Interesting.

I'm upvoting you because you're making a good faith effort here. He's not reasoning through this and thinking over what you're saying, but someone else might be. I'm too tired to do it anymore myself though, so thanks for putting up the fight.

I can't believe the argument is the cops just decided to plant people to start an insurrection to storm the capitol just because they're so used to doing it for other things. BLM protests, I assume he's talking about...

No. The storming is because they're idiots. Regardless of if they were being incited by glowies, they're all mentally deficient asshats. They showed up for the same reason: they're idiots that listen to idiots. I've no clue who brought guns, but they're fucking failures. Those people always have gravy seal outfits. Every protest should have a gallows and/or guillotine.

I think you're right, though, I don't think they needed cops to incite any of it. I still 100% expect cops to do cop shit and I don't think it's insane to believe cops did exactly what we've seen them do thousands of times in the past.

It's all on film. Watch some blm protests and watch Jan 6th. Look at the police and tell me they're just doing the same thing police always do when you're done.

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I remember all the LEOs there trying to disperse the crowds.

Oh wait, the LEOs were equally (or greater) in the crowds, and the others were taking down crowd control methods and escorting people into the capitol.

Right, that LEO agent who told the crowd to march down to the Capitol and "fight like hell" to save the country was a real provocateur. Someone should indict him with a grand jury for it.

That literally isn't what I said or my point. Not a single person has replied without adding shit. That fuck motherfucker has damaged all of you.

If not a single person has addressed your point to your satisfaction, maybe the problem is your communication skills, not everyone else.

Nah. I say it concisely and clearly and you guys hear whatever you want.

Sure, no one understands you and it's all everyone else's fault. Logical.

They just refuse to respond to my actual point.

Do you think that it is even slightly possible that no one understands your point?

I think it's more likely it's a complicated topic and people just can't stop and consider a single aspect of it.

That must be it. You're just too complicated for anyone to understand. If only we all were at your level of high intelligence. Alas, you are surrounded by inferiors. Inferiors all.

This is my point. I didn't say anything of the sort. I'm not particularly complicated. The point isn't complicated. The topic is complicated tho. People's emotional involvement with Trump bullshit doesn't help, either.

I was commenting on a very small thing that's part of a much larger political discussion and my point got lost in the greater point. Every argument people made was in relation to things I didn't say or even imply. I can't do anything about that. I can't be any more clear or concise. Pigs incite riots. Period. It's not crazy to think they tried this time, either.

They do that when they have enough forces to put them down. The only reason these assholes left was because Trump told them to on Twitter.

They think they always have the forces to stop a riot. Hell, they mostly don't have to. They just want a reason to declare it unlawful and shut it down.

Then why wasn't the provocation followed by it being shut down? Why were they then allowed to walk through the Capital building and rifle through congressperson's offices? Was all that part of the plan too?

Have any of you read what I said? It's not unreasonable to think police used provocateurs. That's it. I said nothing about the events that day until I was asked, and I did my best, but christ on a cracker I have no opinion otherwise. There are multiple ways many of the questions people ask can be reasonably explained.

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