Joe Rogan Says It’s a ‘Fact’ That Jan. 6 Was a False Flag, Cites Ray Epps to politics – 636 points –
Joe Rogan Says It’s a ‘Fact’ That Jan. 6 Was a False Flag, Cites Ray Epps

Rogan promoted the conspiracy theory that Epps was an “agent provocateur” for the feds, a baseless claim that has led to a defamation suit against Fox News.


Fucking Spotify using my money to pay this nutjob really pisses me off

Vote with your wallet. Deezer is pretty good. I switched to them when Spotify decided I needed Rogan in my life despite their algorithm undoubtedly indicating otherwise.

I switched to YouTube music and have been happy with it. The family plan is about the same price as Spotify and includes YouTube premium which has been an unexpectedly nice bonus.

I’m kinda the opposite: I got YouTube Red (now Premium) to kill ads and got a music service for “free.”

With the added bonus of no Rogan.

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Recommend Tidal as well if you like smaller artists. The search feature is nowhere near as good, but the curated playlists seem better to me. And you're top 2 artists of the month, I think, get 10% of your subscription fee directly.

I do encourage everyone to drop all Meta platforms, but generally speaking "vote with your wallet" is ineffectual.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Edit: choosing what makes you happier is never ineffectual, but capitalism is not a democracy. You can't "vote" out a company by choosing not to use their product, especially when that company owns many of the options or has control over the majority of the market.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

How is voting with your wallet ineffectual?

There's a confirmation bias at work here. The shitty things people didn't pay for don't exist.

A few people voting with their dollars is completely useless. You're also talking about an international business with more users outside the US than in it, who don't need to care about Joe Rogan.

That said, I don't eat at Chick-fil-A because of their shitty politics. I understand that me not eating there isn't creating any actual change, but I'm still not going to do it.

People should absolutely feel free to make these changes whenever they want, but you should realize that Spotify has grown subscribers since you left and they don't care that you did.

Yes, but a useful "evil" thing will continue to exist because it is useful. The majority of people value something useful/convenient WAY more than they care about morals. won't last because it's simply awful, but Meta/Amazon just won't seem to die no matter how many people hate it and choose to leave because it is useful.

I understand it's an unpopular opinion, but you don't become the size of Meta without leveraging significant market power.

Consumer boycotts have their place, but rarely exercise the same level of influence over a company than other methods of activism.

Meta can easily just buy the next most popular alternative anyway (as they have repeatedly).

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Stop paying for, and using Spotify. That way you know that you aren't supporting him.

I switched to Tidal when he first started going on with the COVID misinformation. Haven't looked back.

same. Tidal is awesome

Tidal is not bad

Source: I switched to tidal when they picked up Rogan and started cramming his show down my throat

Highly recommend piracy.

It's hard for music unfortunately

Get a Deezer account and use Deemix to 'archive' all the music you'd be sad if it went away. Yknow, just in case.

Not if you use Soulseek.

Wait… Soulseek is still a thing? I have fond memories of running a client on our schools sever 20+ years ago. Let it download all night. Grab it once I was back in class.

Great times.

No it isn’t. Redacted let’s people in with a simple interview.

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Then stop giving Spotify your money. Thats on you.

Yep it's totally unnecessary to pay anyone for streaming music.

Just obtain your own MP3s of the music you prefer, and listen to those files on your device. It's the 2000s way to music, and it's still the best.

Internet connectivity is not available everywhere, so you may encounter areas that streaming doesn't work. MP3 collections don't have that problem.

You can also get your own Plex server or something like that if you really just want to stream your music. That's another way to have your music on hand without bullshit subscriptions.

They even had the gall to put this piece of shit in my Recommended Podcasts feed. Back to SoulSeek it is for me!

Fuck Spotify for using money to pay ANY podcast to be exclusively there.

Podcasts are an open medium that is decentralized and allows free choice of client and they are trying to monopolize it

I canceled Spotify for Tidal when they announced the big deal for him. They are not as good as Spotify at helping me find new music, but they seem less evil. I put "Rogan" as my reason from cancelling.

I use a patched spotify apk for android and a spotify webapp with ublock origin on my PC. I've never needed to pay for premium and it works just fine.

Use xManager. All the benefits excluding downloading songs. It's updated once in a while too

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Its a “fact” that anyone who listen to Rogan is a peasant-minded moron


My comrad in class, unless you are a multi-millionare we are all peasants together. Many of us have excellent minds, as you likely do yourself. Do not tie our mental capability to our economic caste.

"my comrade in class" needs to be the 21st century replacement for "my brother in Christ" and you just made me make my first Lemmy comment!

I'm using this!

I don't like "talky" podcasts so I never listened but there was a time when hearing about an interesting guest he had made me inclined to look them up.

Now when I hear someone was on his show I default to assuming they're a crackpot. And I've only been wrong about that like twice.

Infowars had some reputable people in its earlier days too. Rogan seems to be following the same unhinged path.

There are only so many kinda-fringe-but-interesting guests in the world. If that's your whole schtick, at some point the pool runs dry and you start bringing out grifters.

Yep, and once you platform enough nutcases no one else wants to be associated with or listen to you.

What does it mean to be peasant-minded and why are you using it as an insult.

If you think listening to the Joe Rogan Experience is an insult you're either listening to the JRE or you've never listened to the JRE.

No. I am criticizing calling someone peasant minded

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It's a fact that Rogan is a brain-damaged conspiracy theorist

Rogan flips like a light switch. One day he's all about the science and the next he's got some mouth breather telling him the moon is made out of cheese.

He's playing both sides. Like any corporation, the goal is money. He knows there's money to be had from the right. He might be trying to get that tucker Carlson demo. Bringing in interesting guests like scientist, philosophers, etc. Just keeps the general public from leaving outright.

Yep, I'm honestly guilty of it as well, I like some of the guests he has on their for their stories. Usually I just watch the little clips of them at most.

Moral of the story, don’t do all the drugs kids!

This is fantastic advice.

Try drugs. If it's something you're into, you should even try a lot of drugs. But some drugs are better left alone, and by the time you get to where trying those drugs seems appealing, you should probably know which drugs you can't handle safely. Which drugs those are is different for everybody, but getting to know yourself is at least half the point of trying drugs in the first place, so be safe and don't get too addicted (and buy a testing kit, especially if you're buying street drugs)

Source: am professional chemist who's dabbled in buying or making (and testing) nearly everything from bath salts to kava.

He's an attention whore. He says whatever gets him the most response but I think he's sufficiently brain damaged to believe it in the moment, which is why he seems genuine.

He's basically the character he played on News Radio, except with an audience and too much money.

Of course he's brain damaged, this is the kind of political discourse that comes from a.guy who gets kicked in the head for fun.

Stopped listening to him when Bill Burr told him to shut up about Covid. This wasn't a false flag and if it was instigated by someone then Donald Trump was apart of the plan because we all can watch the video of him telling his supports to march on the capitol and fight. None of it is ridiculous in the scope of how that party was going and none of it needs further insight. A brain dead party is making it up as they go and making a lot of mistakes along the way.

Yeah, it was all Epps who sent out the tweet telling everyone to come to DC on 1/6 and that it will be wild.

Then Epps stood up in front of the crowd and gave that speech about how everyone had to "fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore!" and then told everyone he'd march with them right down to the capitol to force a halt to this Constitutionally mandated process...

Oh, wait, no, that wasn't Epps. Who was it again?

Stop paying attention to him. He was over validated as being a great interviewer, but that's only because he created a safe space for right-wing reactionaries to pander to conservative bros. His takes are trash, his hyper masculine routine is tired and lame, and he is a regular source of immediately debunkable misinformation.

He's a terrible interviewer. I attempted to listen to one of his podcasts many years ago because the interviewee was someone I was interested in. Joe Rogan quite obviously had no fucking clue about the specifics of why this person is notable, and his line of questioning was uneducated and irritating.

I never tried to listen/watch to Rogan again.

I wonder sometimes if he is actually stupid and actually believes some of this stuff or if he just says outrageous shit to get people to listen to his show.

So he’s either a fucking moron or a fucking troll, neither of which I’d wanna listen to.

It's Schrodinger's Douchebag:

  1. say outrageous thing
  2. gauge reaction
    3a. if reaction is good for self - repeat outrageous thing
    3b. if reaction is not good for self - dismiss outrageous thing as "joke"

I would argue that someone who says outrageous lies to garner attention is actually stupid, regardless of whether he believes it or not.

I hope he gets sued into poverty, but I have no faith in our legal system.

I've always believed they were serious about learning. I remember being frustrated that people are often abusive instead of explaining why dumb thoughts are dumb but after like 10 years of multi-hour interviews with smart people they don't seem to be making much progress. Maybe there is a constant inflow of new dumb listeners, and most last a few years and kind of graduate out of listening, but he has to stay the same for the whole thing to work.

He's been hit in the head a lot. Made a career out of being hit in the head.

I thought he made his career as an occasionally funny screaming stand up comic. And then as a mma commentator, then as a deplorable pod cast guy.

He started out as a Taekwondo fighter, then a kickboxer before he started commentary.

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Rogan gets dumber all the time

What he doesn't get is that you need a accompanying talking therapy if you make a show like that, personal invested and frequent. Even the most grounded character would start to drift, sooner or later. We are after all just human and nobody can fight that in the long run alone.

I had never heard of Ray Epps before, but it's the ultimate leopards ate my face situation. Dude bought into the Fox News propaganda so much that he attempted to overthrow the government. Then Fox News accused him of being an FBI plant, and now all his fellow right wing nuts jobs have turned on him accusing him of working for the FBI. Meanwhile, he's still being prosecuted for his attempts to overthrow the government.

Fucking hilarious. I'd love to buy this idiot a beer just to hear how much he fucked up his life.

In their minds did they think that by physically occupying a building they therefore thought the country belonged to them or something? Still trying to piece together how they thought storming the capital would result in successfully over throwing the gov. Just another thing to define how absolutely ass backwards this timeline is.

A few of them were fully prepared to murder senators, don't forget.

Nancy Pelosi would absolutely have been killed if they got their hands on her. AOC too, probably.

So... they occupy the building. Trump moves in with the military to "protect the capital" and says "we're postponing the results of the election until we can resolve the election irregularities". He then weeds out the generals in the military that show resistance to going along with things. Then he basically just extends the deadline for when he'll hand power back indefinitely. Then he finds a way to blame the democrats for the Jan 6th stuff and locks them up, and voilà, coup complete.

The republicans would have gone along with this is a heart beat.

There was also the throw the electoral college vote back to the state legislatures move.

The president and commander-on-chief of the United States had just heavily implied it would be a good idea. Those of them not just caught up in the enthusiasm probably thought they would have military support. Trump always appealed to people that can't really separate reality from movies and they thought they were living the climax. Reality is, however, much more pragmatic than that and they were lucky they were of the privileged class so they were merely arrested rather than gunned down the way anyone else storming a federal building would be.

One of the more interesting facts that came out as they were arrested was that the bulk of attendees there that day were wealthy white men, usually business owners, lawyers, that sort, who all came from Blue cities where the demographics had been getting a LOT browner in the last ten years.

So when they chant about "Take OUR country back," guess who they're taking it back from? Hm?

Let me re-iterate, most of the group were from Blue states, not Red. There were quite a few Californians.

Of course, being quite literally the idle wealthy, they were able to fly to DC, no big deal, and then hang out there for a while, no big deal, because they didn't have to hold down jobs, other people were stuck back home making their money for them. They had plenty of cash for the excursion and all their toys. I'm sure they were staying in nice hotel rooms.

Here's a source for all that

A number also took private flights. Unless you happen to live where its taking place you have to possess the means to afford travel, a place to stay, and potentially legal fees to attend a protest. You also, as you said, need to be able to afford the time off work. This restricts most protests to college students and PMCs with a few locals thrown in.

I think most people just got swept up in the moment, but there was certainly an organized group there ready to act upon something. Lest we forget they brought a guillotine so who knows what that intent was.

They were trying to stop the certification of the votes. Even if they had stopped it, it's just a ceremonial thing iirc.

It's the same logic that alows them to think that JFK Jr will ascend from his watery grave and teleport to Dealy Plaza and annoint Trump as POTUS for life. They believe in fairy tales.

What a fucking idiot. What is it about being a reality tv star that gives these medical grade morons the idea that they are smarter than everyone else? I mean the public getting fooled sure, that's in the editing and show runners keeping the idiots on the rails. But the idiots themselves thinking they are the smart ones? it boggles the mind.

Look up the Dunning Kruger Effect.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias[2] whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.

I think it's less that and more he found out a profitable base and pandered to it. He's not an idiot he has a great PR team it's how a b list star from news radio and bad comedian managed to get and keep attention and make iirc hundreds of millions at this point.

Reality is a team sport, to some people.

What's true today is handed down by people above you, and if they belong above you, they must be better than you. In every way. There's only the one metric. People in this mindset don't understand expertise as anything more than sounding real smart.

Someone clever can't just be wrong, since that would require an objective means to evaluate claims. That is not what claims are for, in this tribal worldview. They can only be accepted or rejected based on interpersonal trust.

And they think that's all you're doing, because they think that's all there is.

This is why every argument you have with these people is frustrating nonsense. They don't have a stable set of beliefs you can interact with. They have slogans. They will freely shuffle through them to win the conversation by finding plausible excuses. Consistency means less than nothing. It's an obstacle to making good moves in this stupid word game.

This is what defines conservatism. This is all there is to conservatism. It's the Oops All Hierarchy worldview. There is no other force in that moral universe. They can claim high-minded ideals, but they'll flit between contradictory bullshit with zero self-recognition. So either they're somehow champions of individual rights while viciously enforcing tradition and also the Confederate-loving party of Lincoln and also free-speech-loving censorship nannies and also stalwart capitalist bailout-sucking union-busters or else they're just fucking lying. They're just... shuffling cards.

The only reliable predictor of what they'll say is whether they're talking about the ingroup or the outgroup. They will make whatever mouth noises protect and elevate the ingroup. They will make whatever mouth noises attack and denigrate the outgroup.

I understand why they don't see this division. What the hell is our excuse?

Success and fame to go with it will often have that effect when the fool don't think they deserve it themselves. They feel special as a result and get completely blinded and selfabsorbed by their own greed and ego, especially once the money rolls in.

I feel that Joe Rogan is quite open about not really knowing much about anything. It's a real shame. I'd be interested in some of his podcasts, if only the host knew what they were talking about

Nah, he is being deliberately disingenous. He knows when he spews right wing disinformation because he knows who his core audience are.

It's a fact that Joe Rogan is an idiot.

He even said so himself. Literally: "I'm just an idiot, you shouldn't listen to me." He said that in a stand up special. It's still true, too, so I don't know why people even listen to him. He specifically requested people not to.

Was he not the guy who got millions of parents twisted up about litter boxes in schools only to find out he made the whole thing up?

What's upsetting about the litter boxes thing, is that schools were buying them so that when a psycho comes and shoots up a school, little kids can shit themselves in front of their classmates and it's easier to clean up. Nothing to do with furries, it's just a problem American lawmakers don't want to fix so people are finding creative solutions to ancillary problems.

Do people listen to Joe himself? The only times I've ever listened to his podcasts is when I'm interested in whatever guest he has on.

This is really the only way to consume his media. People would be wrong if they said he wasn't entertaining during his interviews. He is exactly like I was when I was a burn out stoner, and I find that hilarious.

But people forget he isn't an intelligent or educated political commentator. He's literally just a 'Joe' and I wish he would understand that his opinion impacts millions of dipshits who hang on every word he says.

Rogan, who signed a $200 million contract with Spotify in 2020, has repeatedly embraced the unsubstantiated claim that federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies used “agent provocateurs” such as Epps to manipulate the crowd to attack the Capitol. In past episodes, Rogan said the intelligence community had a “vested interest in this going sideways,” adding that “if somebody wanted to disparage a political party or to maybe have some sort of a justification for getting some influential person like Donald Trump offline, that would be the way they would do it.”

What a slimeball

It's just pure gaslighting. "That time you saw Trump tell people to march down to the Capitol after telling them to "fight like hell" was totally unrelated to what happened at the Capitol a short time later."

It is this. Trump sent his worshipers down to the capital after getting them all riled up on lies he told them. And many of his followers have mental issues and they are uneducated and ill informed. HE didn't go with them like he said because he knew it would be violent.

I'm not pinning this on mental illness. That is a scapegoat. Plenty of people, including myself, have mental illness and don't ever resort to any sort of thing even resembling this behavior. These are simply bad, entitled people who were angry that the universe didn't revolve around them for once.

Were some of the people there mentally ill that day? Statistically, almost inevitably. Most of those people were not even approaching a level of mental illness where they were unaware of the consequences of their actions.

Don't forget that he knew a substantial amount of them were armed and dangerous. His security detail told him so when he insisted they remove the magnetometers to let the armed crazy people fill in his rally more. The Jan 6 committee showed this during their hearings.

Yep. Trump knew he had a angry mob under his control and he pointed them at the capital and pull the trigger.

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Rogan should be deplatformed. We don't have a robust enough education system for 'free speech' to work when people like Rogan are just lying to people.

I can't believe people really support restricting free speech, it blows my mind. Is it a generational thing? He's plainly a bit dense, but even if you don't consider it freedom of the press, it's just one guy talking rubbish. And he's far from the worst!

To confirm, no, I don't listen to his podcast, mostly because he's quite boring and I disagree with him on most things.

Deplatforming isn’t restricting free speech.

I sort of feel it is, in the sense of banning somebody from a public space, despite the arguments about social media platforms being privately owned. That just makes me think those platforms should be publicly owned. To me it's like saying somebody owns this park, so you don't have freedom of speech in it. That logic doesn't sit well with me.

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Free speech means that the government can't silence citizens outside of specific protections. It doesn't mean that private companies are required to give you a microphone. I highly doubt Spotify will take Rogan off the air anytime soon considering how much money he makes them, but if they did it wouldn't be restricting his free speech in any way as there are a magnitude of other places he can talk, from other online platforms to a soapbox on the corner of 5th Ave.

Said this elsewhere but the private company bullshit is a weak argument. If a private individual owned 5th Ave., would it mean there was no freedom of speech there? Are we "pro" private property suddenly? I really don't understand the inconsistency here.

What's your address? Id like to stop by and spew hateful racist bs from your front lawn. I'm sure all your neighbors won't think you are also a hateful racist just because I'm doing that on your property. Please make sure the megaphone is setup for me.

How is deplatforming restricting free speech? He can still go on the street corner and spout his nonsense.

Rogan is an utter piece of filth and trash. You should more explicitly say that rather than your milquetoast description of him.

I can’t believe people really support restricting free speech, it blows my mind. Is it a generational thing?

Im going to go out on a limb and guess you're not a minority.

Because when people use their "free speech" to harass you and make your like worse, then worshiping the bastardised idea of "free speech" suddenly isnt very appealing.

Well that would be harassment, which I wouldn't support. In fact, yeah, that should be illegal. But the right of people to say stupid stuff, you know... I may not agree with what you have to say, etc.

Okay, but then the question becomes: If harassment should be illegal then should a call for other people to harass someone be illegal?

Then if you say yes to that the question then becomes: should a thinly veiled call to harass someone be illegal?

Then if you agree with that, you have to draw a line about how obvious a dog whistle needs to be.

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I keep trying to give Rogan some slack, I've been listening to his podcast on and off for a decade now and it just gets harder and harder to excuse him. I genuinely understand someone having a distrust for 'the narrative' . What I don't understand is how someone could do both that and then immediately trust the very next narrative that comes along. It seems naive and laughable.

Keep talking about chimps and DMT, Joe for fucks sake

There’s questioning the narrative and then there’s just spewing misinformation and conspiracy theories. Rogan usually does the latter.

I listened to Rogan since 2010 and stopped around the time he moved to Texas. I just could find any more slack, nor could I find enough excuses for him.

I occasionally put on old episodes at work and it's insane how different he is. Used to have very progressive views while still exercising the ability to think critically on informations and events. Now every episode is flagged for misinformation, and he's constantly dropping the word "woke" as if to test the waters with each guest, practically leaping out of his jeans to go on another anti-woke tangent. He's become completely consumed by it. I suppose this is what's bound to happen when you repeatedly surround yourself with morons like Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones.

The second he platformed Alex Jones, it should have been the end for Rogan. That should have destroyed any and all goodwill. But not only did it not do that, he's brought on Jones more than once and his fans love it. Has Rogan even condemned Jones after he lost his case in Texas? I haven't heard anything about it. I haven't heard any condemnation before that either. They seem to be close compadres. It's disgusting.

They've both been co-opted by the ones they sought out to fight in the first place: The super wealthy

Consumed by greed and success they don't know how to stop.

Nope. Alex Jones straight up turned on Rogan, said terrible things about him on Infowars. Not only did Rogan not hear about it, because he doesn't watch infowars, he went back on his show.

Then again, Rogan was a guest on Infowars on 9/11, so maybe we shouldn't be that surprised.

I don't try to listen to him, but sometimes his content comes up in YouTube feeds because he's had guests like Neil Degrasse Tyson or Brian Cox on his show. I'm always torn because I don't want to support Rogan.

Been there myself. Honestly, you're not missing much.

Ignoring the obvious - provocation and false flags are polar opposites, you dunderfuck.

Agent provocateurs go into sincere crowds and start shit to escalate what they're already doing. (Or to justify violence against the crowd, because "someone" threw a rock.) It's an agent, singular. An opposing individual in disguise shapes perception.

False-flag attacks are done by an opposing group. And they do the thing, themselves. They're not goading a crowd into escalating, or inviting violence from undisguised opposition. Sincere individuals are completely optional. The action is performed entirely by people acting under someone else's banner. You know. Like the name.

If if was a false flag, you'd want these assholes in jail as badly as we do.

Could you imagine the bloodbath of live fire that would have met Antifa mobs?

They treat that single dead loon as if she was shot in her own apartment, and not crawling over the final barricade between an angry mob and the entire elected federal government.

Well. The entire elected federal government, except for one particular bastard.

A fascist runs defence for other fascists, no surprises here. He's been doing fascist dogwhistles for years and years, for example:

"Surf the kali yuga" has been a fascist dogwhistle for a very long time.

Maybe not enough by itself but when you combine it with everything else it's pretty obvious what he is.

The funniest part is that boomers were arguably the "weak men" living in the "good times" created by the "strong men" who pushed some of the most progressive policies America has ever seen. They created the "bad times" of out of control capitalism that we're currently living in.

Thanks for the kali yuga thing. I did not know anything about that and the alt-right connection. It's pretty funny that he said we were in the kali yuga and it's the lower left corner, the weak men corner. He said "Hindus predicted it thousands of years ago".

From the wikipedia article on Yuga cycles: "Kali Yuga, which lasts for 432,000 years, is believed to have started in 3102 BCE."

What exactly were these good times before 3102 BCE? With each successive yuga decreasing in length, that puts the strong men cycle from 2,163,102 BCE to 867,102 BCE. I know it's religion and all that and not to be taken too seriously but I am certainly on board with everything before that period being hard times.

Remember kids, if you use Spotify; your coins are going to this ass hat.

They're taking people's love of music and using it to pay off a hate monger. The average payout for musicians has been declining for years.

I actually cancelled my Spotify account over this ass hat.

This and lossless are 99% why I jumped ship to apple music. The other 1% is better artist payout.

Apple hosts Steve Bannon's podcast fyi

The apple podcast app is free. Arguably funded by hardware sales of the devices it runs on. I don't have any of those.

I didn't say anything about their podcast app. How are you using apple music for free?

You mentioned Steve Bannon... Apple music doesn't have podcasts...

It's a good thing that Apple podcasts and Apple music aren't intrinsically connected then, huh? They still platform him.

I don't really see the difference between this and Spotify, but whatever.

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I was seeing less and less crazy from Rogan on the spotlight, thinking maybe he turned a new leaf and would focus more on just interviewing and comedy. And then he comes out like the most idiotic imbecile in all of media again.

He jumped the shark when he interviewed that vegan MMA guy and bullied the reporter into answering a certain way. It is by far one of the most cringe things I ever listened to.

So, it's not Antifa but "our good ol boys being tricked by those dastardly Feds"? Why not it was the ayylmaos all along?



Aliens, commonly said that way by Mutahar (SomeOrdinaryGamers) on YouTube.

So the FBI, the one that was ran by a trump appointee, staged a false flag coup. And instead of doing something to stop it trump did nothing. And I'm supposed to believe democrats are responsible? If democrats managed to infultrate the FBI and attack the capital why was trump too incompetent to do anything about it and why did he care that someone died if she was just antifa pretending to be a trump follower?

Let's imagine an alternate scenario for a second. Let's say there was a Black Lives Matter protest and they broadcast the same stuff that these guys did. "Come to the capital protest!" "It will be wild!" Etc. Then let's say AOC got up there and said "lets march to the capital!"... Imagine this happened while Trump is in office.... and you know for a FACT there would have been tanks in the street and attack helicopters in the air and solders with guns drawn before then even got close to the capital.

The lack of response is how you know this was a Trump planned event. Only a fucking moron would not see the obvious.

There was an actual black lives matter protest in Washington DC so your armchair fantasy doesn't hold water.

Wasn't there also a much heavier and stricter police presence for the BLM protests than Jan 6?

Was this the one where the police gased and hurt people? I think this was around the time Trump held the bible upside down for a photo op in front a church.

Oh yes, I remember when BLM protesters broke into the Capitol Building while chanting, "hang Mike Pence," stealing things and smearing shit on the walls.

Oh wait, that was the people who hated BLM protesters.

The accusation isn't that they staged a false flag. The accusation is that they used CIs as agent provocateurs. It's interesting that a bit of word magic will make the left deny something happened even though it's been a common tactic used for decades at least.

LEO agents intentionally incite crowds so they can claim them as unlawful and disperse them.

You're telling me that trump lost control of his appointees before he left the white house or that he was the one who ordered leo's to provoke the riot? No matter how you try to spin Jan 6th it falls on trumps shoulders. And we know the government provokes shit it just so happens that this time it was done in plain sight and the right is denying it. We heard his speeches and read his tweets too.

What are you fucking smoking? Read my words, not your made up fucking opponent's.

I'm telling you that the accusations were that one or more CIs were used by LEO to incite riots, which we all recognize is standard operating procedure. This isn't a crazy accusation. That was all I said and if you make up more shit to pretend I said I'm not going to continue bothering.

This seems like an emotional topic for you.

This is the internet. You're allowed to swear. I just happen to respond to dishonest bullshit strongly.

What's dishonest about pointing out that if the FBI provoked the riot it was either trump who ordered it or trump who ignored it? Who do you think was in charge on Jan 6th if not tangerine palpatine?

Who do you think was in charge on Jan 6th if not tangerine palpatine?

I don't know and I honestly haven't looked into it deeply. I'm not really commenting on that. I'm also unsure why you think the guy Trump appointed would help him after he lost the election. Nobody with the credentials to run the FBI is gonna treason for last year's president.

I think the headline is overstating it. Nobody has to order LEO or their informants to incite crowds. It's a thing they do. You're assuming they were expecting insurrection, whict I don't think they were. Hanlon's Razor seems appropriate. They did their standard fedboi bullshit and it got way bigger than they expected. I just don't think it's unreasonable or a wild conspiracy theory to think LEO used tactics we've seen them use in every major city in ths US.

The FBI are not good people and we shouldn't cuddle up to them because they're putting the 'right' people in jail right now.

M8 all this article is is a shitty attempt to throw someone under the bus and brand them deep state and you're buying it so hard.

No need for deep state shennanigans. Cops incite protests to turn into riots. Standard pig bullshit. I haven't reviewed the evidence in this case, but someone thinking police used agent provocateurs isn't deep state conspiracy shit. It's actually kind of expected. Get a donut and coffee. Violate some civil rights. All in a day's work.

Aight so that explains why the stormed the capital but why did they show up to a standard event that happens every 4 years? And why did they bring guns and tactical gear? And why did they build a gallows? They didn't need cops to incite shit, they showed up with a plan and for once in US riot history the cops actions aren't blatantly horrible yet it's what everyone wants to point to this time. Interesting.

I'm upvoting you because you're making a good faith effort here. He's not reasoning through this and thinking over what you're saying, but someone else might be. I'm too tired to do it anymore myself though, so thanks for putting up the fight.

I can't believe the argument is the cops just decided to plant people to start an insurrection to storm the capitol just because they're so used to doing it for other things. BLM protests, I assume he's talking about...

No. The storming is because they're idiots. Regardless of if they were being incited by glowies, they're all mentally deficient asshats. They showed up for the same reason: they're idiots that listen to idiots. I've no clue who brought guns, but they're fucking failures. Those people always have gravy seal outfits. Every protest should have a gallows and/or guillotine.

I think you're right, though, I don't think they needed cops to incite any of it. I still 100% expect cops to do cop shit and I don't think it's insane to believe cops did exactly what we've seen them do thousands of times in the past.

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I remember all the LEOs there trying to disperse the crowds.

Oh wait, the LEOs were equally (or greater) in the crowds, and the others were taking down crowd control methods and escorting people into the capitol.

They do that when they have enough forces to put them down. The only reason these assholes left was because Trump told them to on Twitter.

They think they always have the forces to stop a riot. Hell, they mostly don't have to. They just want a reason to declare it unlawful and shut it down.

Then why wasn't the provocation followed by it being shut down? Why were they then allowed to walk through the Capital building and rifle through congressperson's offices? Was all that part of the plan too?

Have any of you read what I said? It's not unreasonable to think police used provocateurs. That's it. I said nothing about the events that day until I was asked, and I did my best, but christ on a cracker I have no opinion otherwise. There are multiple ways many of the questions people ask can be reasonably explained.

Right, that LEO agent who told the crowd to march down to the Capitol and "fight like hell" to save the country was a real provocateur. Someone should indict him with a grand jury for it.

That literally isn't what I said or my point. Not a single person has replied without adding shit. That fuck motherfucker has damaged all of you.

If not a single person has addressed your point to your satisfaction, maybe the problem is your communication skills, not everyone else.

Nah. I say it concisely and clearly and you guys hear whatever you want.

Sure, no one understands you and it's all everyone else's fault. Logical.

They just refuse to respond to my actual point.

Do you think that it is even slightly possible that no one understands your point?

I think it's more likely it's a complicated topic and people just can't stop and consider a single aspect of it.

That must be it. You're just too complicated for anyone to understand. If only we all were at your level of high intelligence. Alas, you are surrounded by inferiors. Inferiors all.

This is my point. I didn't say anything of the sort. I'm not particularly complicated. The point isn't complicated. The topic is complicated tho. People's emotional involvement with Trump bullshit doesn't help, either.

I was commenting on a very small thing that's part of a much larger political discussion and my point got lost in the greater point. Every argument people made was in relation to things I didn't say or even imply. I can't do anything about that. I can't be any more clear or concise. Pigs incite riots. Period. It's not crazy to think they tried this time, either.

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It's all just money $$$

I mean don't forget Tucker Carlson used to work for CNN. These people will do anything and say anything for money

And his fans will eat this shit up too. Shameful, just shameful.

Some of his fans will try to defend him and say he's being stupid and you're not supposed to listen to him, ignoring all the people who will.

I haven't heard this, but I HAVE heard how he ISN'T stupid.

Because you see, you couldn't have the #1 podcast in the world if you were stupid.

You couldn't have the #1 podcast on the world unless it was truthful.

I've had more than one person explain this to me to defend their newly acquired anti Vax stances a la Rogan podcast.

It’s the same crowd that’s like “Elon Musk must be a GENIUS because he’s RICH. What have YOU done?”

I had a hard time understanding why people would listen to Rogan after reading all these articles about him. Then my wife and I talked about it for a little bit and I took a listen to an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience.

I'm completely talking out of my ass here but I think Rogan is a good/influential conversationalist. I think people get carried away by his views because of the convenience of his skill, kinda similar to how some people tend to err on the broad side of being agreeable when talking to a stranger for the first time, at least in a North American context. Set up the "conversation" as a podcast and it's easy for familiarity to build with his audience. People getting familiar with his content then subconsciously decide that they really agreed in the first place because he talks nice and now they're a fan.

Great orators are amazing at getting you to nod your head in agreement. I've "fallen victim" to it as well with Obama in his 2004 DNC speech. Just rose tint everywhere. It's a little easier to understand through this but of course I am so open to being completely wrong about this. What do you guys think?

The problem, from the limited exposure I have to him, is he does a lot of "I heard"s and "they say"s and presents it as fact. Eventually, the hearsay becomes "it's a fact". He's doing the same thing Tucker Carlson has done. I can't say if the man's an idiot or not but he certainly plays one for a living.

I disagree that he has any particular skill that is notable. He was also a lousy comedian, most remembered for his crusade against joke stealing than anything else (I dare you to ask anyone their favorite Joe Rogan joke).

He had first mover advantage. Then he started to realize the right wing hits were drawing his viewers, and went further in further in that direction.

Oration is a personal interest I have. (See username) I'm not great at it, but it is an interest.

I think you're correct on all accounts. I've listened to a few of his clips, but I wouldn't call myself a fan or even a listener. His cadence is often casual but slows a bit when he wants to stress a point. He likes storytelling. If he speaks about things that are universally frustrating, you can feel his speech begin to clip faster and his voice raise. Good intonations. And he seems good at having something to talk about and staying on task.

Good and bad people can be fantastic storytellers. I don't know enough about him to make a judgement on his character, but I think he's a good communicator.

I agree 100%. His podcasts can be interesting or entertaining some times, depending on the guests. When he talks to some other comedians like Theo Von and Joey Diaz it can be very entertaining, or when he's talking to people in sports & fitness. To me he's always been this wacky stoner triphead character, someone that can be fun to have around occasionally but not someone that you want to talk about serious topics with. My impression is that he's been getting more crazy and conspiratorical after covid hit, I certainly listen to him a lot less ever since.

Thanks for the distinction with conversationalist vs. interviewer. The folks that seem to listen the most seem to be into bros having casual conversation, not an in depth interview while being well versed in the subject's expertise like a Terry Gross or Ezra Klein interview. The show seems like a slightly elevated bros bullshitting session.

Thats literally the premise of 90% of the show. Hes stated that several times. He started the podcast with the intent of it being a bullshit fun project to have his Bros come on smoke weed and talk shit. Which is great entertainment and funny. Now he has said it many times. He wants to talk to anyone his cave man brain finds interesting. He admits hes very uneducated on a lot of matters and tells people that outside the realms of fitness and nutrition you shouldn't be looking to him for advice or following what he says. The reason his viewership is as large as it is is because he thinks about things very very similarly to how honestly most people up here in that I know in new england think of things. He thinks about shit in the same way the average working class dude does.

So, all that nice innocent stuff plus: believes (and propagates) that Jan 6 was a false flag, publicly berates respected scientists on Twitter to get them to debate him, casts doubts on vaccines, etc etc.

I don't listen to this prick any more but does he ever spend much time going over that Trump possibly put federal agents lives at risk for selling secrets to the Russians and Saudi governments? Or that Trump's children stole so much money? Does he ever?

Turtle Shelled Stomach'd prick surrounds himself with sycophants nowadays anyways.

No, he wouldn't do any such thing because that would alienate him from his fascist audience.

Guy that got paid to make contestants eat bugs and donkey dicks gets paid to make podcast listeners eat bugs and donkey dicks.

Guys this isn't reddit. Can we just forget these losers and idolize at least different douchebags?

Why do people still listen to this fuckstick? He proved long ago that he has the mental capacity of a bag of rocks, so lets just leave him in a corner to be ignored and move on.

It's been downhill since News Radio.

I just introduced my girlfriend to a couple episodes the other week. I love the show for so many reasons. It's proof we live in a cosmic comedy that Newsradio was one of the first steps that got us to this version of Toe Blowgun.

But it's not a fact. Like, by definition, it's literally not.

These fucking grown toddlers think anything that offends their feefees is bad, or wrong, or illegal. Because they have no coping mechanism beyond throwing a tantrum. Grow. the. fuck. up.

People that don't share your views exist, and they are important too...

Wow, I knew Rogan is a giant, unthinking piece of shit but even I didn't think he'd stoop this low.

Is it just me, or is Joe Rogan starting to look like Doctor Evil?

Please don't insult Dr. Evil like that. He may be evil, but he's not Joe Rogaine.

Starting to look like Rush

Indeed, it's only a matter of time before he's back on youtube going completely off the rails.

I never listened to Joe Rogan, is his right wing leanings a newer development? Or has he always been in the "free thinker", ie conservative camp? I saw a snippet of his show years ago, and it didn't come across as politically charged, but it was a small snippet, and times have definitely changed, polarity wise.

Much like many self-identifying "centrists" he certainly likes to hang out with right-wing individuals and let them talk. He does sometimes push back, but his podcast does better when he doesn't.

He is very right leaning, but interestingly, when he last had Bernie Sanders on, he claimed to be progressive.

Like all humans, he is complicated and doesn't hold beliefs strictly to one side. He makes his money catering to the right, his personal views have likely shifted that way over time to match.

In the past, he had more interesting and varied guests, but those days are long gone.

I thought he was a libertarian, maybe? I used to listen to the podcast years ago but I feel like it got more political, he leaned more right, got more popular, repeat, until it was the number 1 podcast but idk

He had the number 1 podcast already when he has Bernie on and semi-endorsed him.

Covid seems to be what really broke his brain and pulled him right hard.

Much like John Oliver's Truthiness, Joe Rogan does a caricature of skepticism. He does the Question Things part, but then gets dazzled by whatever answers are spicy, instead of the most reasonable or likely.

On a completely unrelated note, I wonder what Joe Rogan would sound like after a year of sobriety from all recreational drugs, and bullshit supplements.

Joe Rogan is a cunt who straight up claimed that he knows for a fact "they put litterboxes in class rooms, because some kids feel like playing like cats"

even though in reality it was just put there so that in case of school shooting kids don't have to pee on the floor.

then when called out on it, he just claimed "he was joking"

Joe Rogan? Isn’t that the guy who murdered Archduke Ferdinand and started World War One?

"It is a fact that Joe Rogan is a magical sugar plum fairy." - me.

Is Joe Rogan a magical sugar plum fairy.

Dear friend...

May this be a help to you on your future travels.

Sugarplums aren’t plums (the stonefruit) either. “Plum”, in ye olde days, meant any small dried fruit, mainly raisins (see also: plum pudding). Sugarplums are small hard candies, so-called because they are made of sugar, and approximately the size of plums(raisins).

Fun fact: “true currants” (the Ribes plant and fruit) aren’t related to the original currant. The OG currant is the Zante currant or “raisin of Corinth”. It’s a small grape that was grown in Greece (predominantly in Zante, close enough to Corinth to be rebranded) which were dried and exported. Outside of Greece, “Corinth” morphed into “currant” over time, and a different local plant, with berries that look similar when dried, began to be called by the same name as the imported “currant”.


Man, I love a linguistics post. Society was better when we were regularly quoting the dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding

This man here is proof of the damage marijuana and head kicks does to your brain.

I dunno about all that. He wasn't exactly a beacon of intellectualism when he was young either.

He's the definition of "so open-minded his brain fell out".

I thought even years ago that - when you make a show like Rogan, so frequent and personal invested - you NEED an accompanying talking therapy, regularly. Otherwise even the most grounded character begins to drift, sooner or later. It's a shame. But, I guess, that's still kinda taboo, sadly.

When he started he used to be good at fact-checking wild claims even while entertaining them/humoring his guests. He's definitely gotten more loose with it over the years in the pursuit of getting ever more exciting guests on his show. It's nothing more than basic entertainment now that asks a lot of the audience to do their own checking lest they risk being sucked into rogans crazy world of super wealth from merely running a podcast.

Another rotten POS that would serve this country better by being dead.

Rogan would be far more useful to society if he were made poor and served as an example that being famous and loud and dumb was against your financial interests.

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I wonder if this statement might end up getting him Alex Jones'd.

I'm so fucking tired of these personality cult leaders and their brainwashed gold farms. They should be held accountable for the toxic waste they screw out into the world.

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I think this guy might've had some allegations against him that Im unsure of the current status of, but regardless, this bit is relevant right now.

I have never cared about that douchebag anyway

I say it's a fact that Rogan is a chaos operative moron.

Joe Rogan says….

ROFL. Who cares what Broprah has to say. He’s the irrelevance whisperer.

Wow, not a single comment here acknowledging the documented prolific use by the U.S. of agents provocateur to infiltrate and sabotage anti-establishment groups and protests. The only difference between the historic infiltration of environmental movements, civil rights/BLM, etc., and this is that this is right-wing. I'll go ahead and say what all of you are too ignorant or cowardly to say:

Democrats are not your friend.

Republicans are not your friend.

If you're sitting here like a 12-year-old generating your endorphins from a "Yeah! The enemy is so stupid and we're the best!" mentality—and that's most if not every single one of you—you're doing it wrong and you're making it worse. You're the problem.

And Joe Rogan, in this case—not to diminish the culpability of Trump—is absolutely right, but you're all too emotionally stunted to be able to admit it. Get off your infantile, misguided high horse. Standing up for liberal and progressive values is cool, but the current Democratic party does not stand up for those values. Perversely—and it blows mind to say this and to see so many people remain willfully blind to it—the Republican party is currently more liberal then the Democrats. It may only be because standing up against censorship happens to benefit them, but call a spade a spade. Stop being such a bunch of incredibly gullible fucks and look upon the rot growing at the highest echelons of our government. It's not partisan, but its most insidious tactic is pretending to be.

Here's a conciliatory piece of advice to follow, a general rule of thumb that nevertheless works out to be pretty much 100% accurate: everything that Democrats accuse Republicans of is true; AND, everything Republicans accuse Democrats of is true. It certainly is in this case. Trump did and said what he did, AND the FBI and CIA did what they've always done to advance the ruling party's agenda for at least the last half a century. Hell, they fucking did it to Ukraine in 2014. It's not contested information, just obscured history, which you'd know if you'd only paid attention to what they didn't teach you in history class.

On an unrelated note I will say that it's refreshing to be able to write a comment that will likely get buried a thousand feet deep and not give a fuck. Go ahead and do your worst, but I hope Lemmy can be a different place and that you'll do your best to listen to a well-meaning alternative perspective (excuse the language).