Baldur’s Gate 3 Delay Shows The Xbox Series S Still A Headache For Developers to – 146 points –
Baldur's Gate 3 Delay Shows The Xbox Series S Still A Headache For Developers

I'm not sure Microsoft did this generation of consoles any favours by launching the Series S.


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The problem is that they have couch coop play. They struggle making it work with Series S. From what I understand, they cannot just make a separate version without coop just for Series S. All game features in Series X must also be available on Series S. I guess that’s a limitation imposed by Microsoft.

With PC you don’t have that limitation. If your computer can’t do couch coop then too bad for you. Minimum specs probably doesn’t account for coop.

I’m not sure why they don’t remove couch coop completely from the Xbox versions. Probably because they think it’s removing too much of their vision of the game.

So because 5 people on the face of the planet don’t want to use the internet like modern humans the rest of us have to suffer? When was the last time anyone actually used couch coop? It was Halo 2 for me.

A lot of people would love to have more split screen co-op (or Vs) games.

Its stupid that if I have a friend round I cant play a multiplayer game with them.

It’s an “if you build it they will come” issue. People stopped with couch parties because no games supported it anymore. When I’ve done it, most games in question had the option for internet play but it just wasn’t as social.

I have an X not an S, but my wife and I will absolutely be using couch co-op when this comes out.

4 player co-op in Minecraft Dungeons, with the whole family, this year. I fucking love same device co-op games, but there are hardly any good options anymore, because apparently most people are either single or don't like being in the same room as their partner or friends.

I constantly use it. I play with my partner, not with randos on the internet, not with friends. We live in the same house. We already bought 2 copies on PC to support the devs, but being forced to do so would be a shitty move. Also, when we have friends over, we do not expect them to bring their own PCs and shit if we want to game. Couch coop is where it's at.

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