CNN Poll: Half of Americans think the economy is getting worse, despite months of stronger economic news | CNN Politics to politics – 337 points –
CNN Poll: Half of Americans think the economy is getting worse, despite months of stronger economic news | CNN Politics

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Who’s it getting better for? Wall Street? Prices on shit keeps fucking going up. My paycheck ain’t.

Yeah, according to a Federal Reserve survey from earlier this year "only 63% of adults surveyed said they would cover an unexpected $400 expense using cash or its equivalent, down from 68% the year before. Many noted they would lean on credit cards or family members to manage such a bill. About 13% said they wouldn’t be able to cover such an expense by any means."

Upper middle class and above households have been doing great, but everyone else is in a bad way and getting worse.

Real wages are up in the last two years the largest amount in nearly five decades. Rent costs are down year over year for two and a half years straight. Employment is up, new jobless claims are down, both while hours worked is down. Inflation continues to revert to the mean.

If it doesn’t seem good for you, you’re either an extreme outlier or are just denying reality.

Source: Trust me bro.

Rent costs are down? Where??? What's a "real wage"? Do you have anything to back any of this up or are we just guessing?

The wage increases haven't kept up with inflation so people aren't feeling it.

Rent costs are down year over year for two and a half years straight

You have no idea what you are talking about. Rent has more than doubled. I know people living in shitty 1 bedroom apartments who pay more than twice what I pay for my mortgage on a fairly average house.

Data is data my dude. Get your head out of the sand.

You should try looking at it some time. An apartment that was $700 5 years ago is now around $2000 in my area. And this is a low cost of living area where people aren't exactly desperate to live.

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