Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 beats Motorola Razr Plus in marathon folding test

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to – 48 points –
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 beats Motorola Razr Plus in marathon folding test

In Youtuber's hand-folding test (live stream), the Razr Plus broke after 126,364 folds (hinge gave up after ~44k folds) while the Z Flip survived 273,316 folds (but lost ability to stay fully open after 223,000 folds) and is still going right now in the live stream.

gif on the hand-folding test

EDIT: the Z Flip is now at 275,203 277,350 298,500 300k folds!


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Anyone else not all that interested in this folding gimmick?

I absolutely love the flip. Much more comfortable in my pocket. And I like the student angles you can have it in for photography, watching videos, or reading.

Cool idea, but not worth the cost and breakability to me.

Maybe in a few years.

I broke enough Nintendo DSes in my day to know this is a stupid idea.

The Nintendo DS being the second highest selling console ever begs to differ

Not shitting on the DS. Just the hinges. Don't want to relive that at a $700 price point.

It's only the second highest because they kept breaking the hinges on them