Coyote feeder to – 1174 points –

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I'm in the 'Twitter posts aren't memes' side on this. Not even feeling slightly baited by the rage.

We'd welcome anything like this at !

/c/ - opens in your local instance

! - opens in it's home instance

They both work the same for me, from

Are you using the lemmy web ui? I'm using liftoff and the second oneopens it in my local instance.

I'm literally just on the website, so yeah, I guess so.

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I mean, this became a pretty prominent template so I don't know how much you can really say it's not a meme, unless you don't regard words in general as capable of being memes.

I think it's a meme, but the proliferation of this exact format is why they created c/microblogmemes. Otherwise meme communities become like 70% screenshots of text.

Just ignore them. I thought it was funny

a meme is anything i find funny

my cat is a meme

who needs replication and proliferation of a specific idea

I literally noted that this became a meme template

Are copypastas not memes? Is a meme when reaction image, and the more image it is, the more memier it is?

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