YSK The difference between equality, justice and equity.locked

Amilo159@lemmy.world to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 1253 points –

Why YSK: because what seems like equal situation from surface isn't always equal opportunity for all. And even when equal measure of help is provided, it might not be equally useful.


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I like the boxes and fence one more, this just feels super-contrived

But that one always brings out the smug responses about how they shouldn't be watching the game for free, totally (and purposefully) missing the point

The girl could literally just walk to the other side of the tree, there's no actual barrier. This one is super ham-fisted because it can spark the wrong side of the debate.

it can spark the wrong side of the debate.

any discussion of the topic would though, because those who oppose the basic idea of equality, let alone equity or justice, know only how to derail and/or project, they are not interested in having a sincere discussion, because they whole heartedly believe that some people are worth less than others, and they will justify that in whatever way makes sense to them because in their mind, they're all that matters.

True justice would be them watering the tree or something. That dude has been giving to these little shits the whole time. Let it be The Getting Tree for once.

My favorite is the meme edit where they just chop off everyone's legs so that they end up at the same height below the fence.