The new system to replace Reddit coins and awards is here. You got out at the right time. to – 1362 points –
Community Points - Own a Piece of Your Community

Read all about it at the above link. There's way too much to process here. This is going to be wild.


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Am I the only one that used Reddit till just recently and has no idea what coins or awards are, or what purpose they served?

No you're not. I mean, I know these things existed, but I had never made any effort to use them or even find out how they worked.

It's a lot like Duolingo I think. The core functionality of the product is there and is good, but they insist on shoving coins and gems and new avatars down your throat. I don't care! I just want to study a language or discuss a topic. Good lord.

I used reddit for almost 9 years and aside from reddit gold, I had no idea what the modern awards did / can't even see them on my (now depreciated) app.

It puts a small icon next to your name on your awarded post/comment.

That's all.

Third-party apps were forbidden from accessing the feature, as it was exclusive to their inner GraphQL API.

Before they killed r/pan, awards above the lowest level used to extend a streamer's time. They also give a period of Reddit Premium (i.e. ad-free, plus a few free coins to give awards yourself) - I've got about another year of that still from a few surprisingly successful streams I did.

Same here. I also have no idea wtf karma is to be honest.

when upvote, karma go up, when downvote karma go down, stupid system, downvotes are meant to represent disagreement, not always as something negative

Down votes are for off topic discussion not disagreement. They're specifically meant to not be used for disagreement.

Ok but... Who cares? I'm not a youtuber trying to get upvotes and subscriptions for an algorithm so I can get more ad revenue, why would I care about my karma score?

Because homo sapiens like amassing trinkets for trade with other tribe (with extra steps)

Many subreddits require up to 100 karma to post in them, so your first few weeks using Reddit would be a grind for karma until you reach a comfortable threshold.

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