It's called shitposting because it's done on the terlet to Lemmy – 359 points –

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I never understood people that like metal. Some people are fascinated by this band called meshuggah and it's juste impressive body coordination by following algorithmic rules that end up sounding like random noise. The meaningless screaming is garbage. I hate vocals and screeching at the microphone isn't better.

I personally dislike Meshugga because I don't care for gutteral screaming, but even my drunk ass isn't arrogant enough to call it garbage just because it's not to my taste.

The meaningless screaming is garbage

Read again, slowly. I didn't say meshuggah is garbage, the meaningless screaming in metal is garbage.

I hope you realize you sound like a boomer, I've literally heard my boomer mother make the same argument about different bands I listen to. If we were having this conversation a couple decades, I would expect to hear something like "Goddamn kids with their hip hop, saggy pants, and loud music"

If i sound like a bommers for not understanding how anyone can like noise as music so be it. I listen to all kind of music. Even Mongolian throat singing is somewhat melodic while metal sounds to me like noise.

You've never listened to metal then.

I'd be happy to listen to anything you'd recommend If you got something that's got at least some melodies, not someone screaming at the mic while another is hitting the drum like a maniac with some electric guitar backing it or vice versa.

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