Alphv ransomware group claims to have hacked Reddit, threatens to leak data unless money paid and API changes reverted to – 275 points –

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Ransomware operators are scum and should not be trusted, let alone paid.

This isn't ransomware. This is standard blackmail.

Correct, but done by ransomware operators.

Not that this isn't scummy but my understanding is that "ransomware" refers to software that locks a user or organization out of their systems until a fee is paid, generally my encrypting the disk.

This seems like a more traditional "hack" of a system where you get in and download data. Which makes threatening them is traditional blackmail.

The point is that Alphv is an operator of ransomware as a service (RaaS), specifically BlackCat, independent of whether they used ransomware in this specific attack (which it indeed doesn't sound like).

Oh I see. I misunderstood the comment then. Thanks for the clarification!

I'll have more respect if the leak were done by disgruntled employees, but this attempt to leak is done by a ransomware operator who failed to extort them in the first place.

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Agreed they definitely shouldn’t pay these guys.

unfolds chair

Yup. They absolutely shouldn't pay, for decision theoretic reasons, but that doesn't mean there won't be interesting fireworks to watch.

I'll be real curious if they have browsing data or subs tied to email addresses. How many .gov emails are subbed to nothing but fetish and porn subreddits?

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