Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?locked to No Stupid – 43 points –

I'm a conservative. I don't mind the liberal stuff here. It's good to learn the other side, but I don't want a liberal echo chamber. I'd like to be more politically balanced in the fediverse. Is there any way I can do that?


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Have you seen all the comments on this thread?

Instead of answering the OPs question, 100+ people are just bashing him for thinking differently, saying stuff like "Well, why are you conservative in the first place? Conservatism is so stupid! People on the right are evil, monsters, etc."

This left wing echo chamber is already very hateful and against any differing opinions.

It's not "thinking differently" it's "the beliefs necessary to maintain that political stance are stupid and cruel".

Not every conservative is a racist nazi. Some of us just want the government to stick to doing what's in the constitution.

So then how can you possibly agree with the right? Is banning books in the Constitution?

Westerners, especially Americans, have a really really hard time believing that you can be socially one thing and governmentally/economically another. For instance Im radically socially leftist but economically libertarian.

Because Americans have been force fed the lie that you have to pick one size fits all, they assume that every conservative is also socially conservative. Which, in the case of America, means you support the wild anti lgbt/anti abortion legislation.

I agree. The way I worded my comment was very intentional to not bash conservatism. I don’t consider myself one but I thought OP’s question was pretty respectful and I do find it unfortunate that he doesn’t have a community on here that isn’t extremely radicalized.

Yeah, it's a shame that people can't be more civil and respectful to each other.