Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach | CNN Politics

kescusay@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 724 points –
Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach | CNN Politics

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Daaaamn trump's active election fraud is turning out to bigger than Watergate.

Trump is making Nixon look good. I mean, Nixon resigned when he was caught, Trump lacks the ability to feel shame and regret.

Let's be clear, Nixon felt no shame. He was simply avoiding further besmirchment.

And imprisonment. There was a deal within the Republican party that if he slinked off into the shadows and got their criminality out of the news that they'd declare that his numerous felonies just didn't count. That's one of the many problems with our impeachment process: even if you're found guilty the people in charge of meting out punishment are members of your own party.

There is a really good season of slow burn on this. It's a podcast for those who don't know.

The parellels between then and now are striking.

I almost typed that exact same thing.

I changed my comment to the more objective size of the scandal since Nixon as a human and president, is a paragon of virtue next to that doofus.