Instead of movies and crappy games on those in-flight displays, they should just stream the view out the cockpit window. to – 796 points –

Like, I'm on a plane. I don't want to watch Toy Story when I can do that at home, I want to see what the pilots see. And that way every seat has technically a window to look out of.


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I’ve often fantasized about a 360 cam mounted on the tip of the vertical stabilizer, and then the crew can offer VR headsets that put you “in” the 360 lookout. It’d be like flying while sitting on top of the plane! Cool even in clouds / inclement weather. Could even stream those feeds to the public for cheap tours of the skies. Would be extra interesting during landing and takeoff, I think. Maybe have a few cams around the plane. Bottom, top, each wing, cockpit, etc.

I can't remember off the top of my head, but there is at least one airline/airplane that offers a live camera from the tip of the rear stabilizer to those displays. VR is of course a bit much currently, but it would be an awesome experience, no doubt.

Bottom would probably be most interesting because on top you can only see the sky I was on an Emirates A380 recently (massive, double-decker beast) and they had three selectable cameras: cockpit, downwards and vertical stabiliser (unfortunately not controllable). The vertical one was weird as it felt like being in a racing game or something since it seemed too high to be part of the plane.

They left the camera on the whole time, which was great to watch the landing and taxiing. We must have been in a decent crosswind early in our flight, as the downwards camera was showing the ground go by diagonally.