AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble to – 1059 points –
AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble

As the AI market continues to balloon, experts are warning that its VC-driven rise is eerily similar to that of the dot com bubble.


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Im just seeing already failing companies grasp straws called AI and hope no one notices.

"Our AI designed eyeglasses." "This AI formulated workout routine." "And Techno Wizardry will calculate the value"

All tells me that these companies would be better ran by AI and the marketing department should be changing careers.

TikTok and Reels with their influencers too. "If yOu ArE NoT uSiNg THesE 10 AI ToOls, yoUr ....". Granted though, some of them are actually educative. But, the ones with quick transitions, short don't seem very authentic.

My washing machine is ‘AI powered’ in that it lists the modes in order of what I use most often. And somehow, even with that metric, it’s usually wrong.

Lmao they call it AI powered for real?

I got out of bed, disarmed my alarm, and went into my garage to get this pic for you: image

Holy shit that's crazy lmao

Thank you for taking the effort to show that, can't believe they've stuck that on there ha ha