Reddit is reportedly suspending users for using third-party apps that spoof the official app

gsa32@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to – 298 points –
Reddit is reportedly suspending users for using third-party apps that spoof the official app

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IMO reddit was heading this route ever since they got rid of Victoria Taylor in 2015. ( for those who don't know)

Agreed. It was headed that way but most of us, including me, ignored the warning signs. I should've quit when they cancelled Reddit Gifts giving some lame bs reason. I should've quit when they launched new Reddit with all it's ads and tracking crap. I should've quit when they started turning the site into more mainstream social media. But I still continued because I was mostly shielded from all that by third-party apps, and sticking to niche communities and staying away from r/all. But the API thing was the last straw for me, if there was any proof Spez was the next Zuckerberg, that was it, that was all the motivation I needed to quit.

Using RIF made me blind to a lot of this bs (ads, layout changes, etc.) till suddenly it was gone.

Pffffy. Spez isn’t the next Zuck. He’s not even Zuck we got at home. At best, he’s a poor photo copy at the bottom of the flea market bargain bin Zuck.

Bargain bin musk. Pastey white supremacist narcissist.

Zuck isn't a supremacist. At least he's got that going for him.

Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

Reddit was heading downhill before that.

I've been pissed for years but with no real alternative. Now Lemmy both exists and has enough users to not be a ghost town. There's no reason to go back niw

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