Deep-pocketed dairy industry continues war on plant-based milk as FDA hears comments on new draft guidance to politics – 270 points –
Deep-pocketed dairy industry continues war on plant-based milk as FDA hears comments on new draft guidance - OpenSecrets News


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Don't know about you, but I'm not going to start buying liquid milked from a cow, and stop buying liquid that was milked from a bunch of almonds, just because cow-milkers won't let almond-milkers say "milk". The non-dairy producers will just get creative and name their stuff something else, like Malk

Oh dang, I kind of want to buy Malk just because it's fun to say. It's like how every time I buy those frozen fake beef tips (Gardein? idk), we pronounce be'f as beff (rhymes with Jeff) and it makes me laugh. Gonna have some beff and malk for dinner. Advertisers have such an easy job with me, stg. Just make something good and call it something stupid and I'm in.

Or melk which is milk when pronounced with a couple of us accents

My wife does that. I find it mildly irritating.

Same, and pellow instead of pillow. I pronounce things weird too which she calls me on so it's all in good fun.

Milque. Or Milq if there's a "How do you do, fellow kids?" type on the naming committee.

You're welcome to buy anything you want, but calling everything milk just because it's a white liquid still seems silly to me.

That's because language is silly, it's called milk because it's the act not the end product. Hence MILKING the cow. Except animals aren't the only things that can have a milking process applies to them.