Trump Promises to Present an ‘Irrefutable REPORT’ Within the Next Week That Will Exonerate Him and Prove 2020 Georgia Vote Was ‘Rigged’ [UPDATED]

Flying to politics – 509 points –
Trump Promises to Present an ‘Irrefutable REPORT’ Within the Next Week That Will Exonerate Him and Prove 2020 Georgia Vote Was ‘Rigged’

Updating with Gov. Brian Kemp's response:

The 2020 election in Georgia was not stolen.

For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward - under oath - and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor.

The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.


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This man is fucking exhausting. I am tired just listening to his bullshit lmao how his supporters still have the energy to support him is beyond me

Energy and money

Who are these fools that keep donating to the "billionaire"

Curse spreaders, rich and bored. Or they have some skin in the game that polarizing the nation or Donald's policies helped.

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