Giuliani struggling under massive legal bills after defending Trump to – 493 points –
Giuliani struggling under massive legal bills after defending Trump | CNN Politics

Rudy Giuliani is staring down hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills and sanctions amid numerous lawsuits in addition to the new criminal charges – related to his work for Donald Trump after the 2020 election.


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When you can’t beat your political opposition, cheat and prosecute them!

4 indictments (so far), 94 charges (so far), RICO charges, many of us watched in realtime as all this dumb shit was happening as it was fucking obvious, overwhelming proof, even his own people have turned on him, now law and order is coming for him and his useful idiots.

I'm sure your either a paid troll, or a pol/ edgelord troll, or perhaps someone who has been a victim of the propaganda machine - this post is hoping you have just been a victim of the rightwing outrage and misinformation media industrial complex, and I hope you get better

That does seem to be the Republican strategy. Well, prosecute your opposition's children anyway. But it doesn't seem to be working out the way they'd hoped.

Well, Biden did beat Trump, but Giuliani isn't running for anything so he's not the opposition.

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