People who were fired on their first day at work/saw somebody get fired their first day at work: What happened that led to the firing? to – 342 points –

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My wife had a guy start at her company the same day she did, but he got fired that same day because for reasons no one understands he decided it would be wise to make his Teams (or whatever they used. Slack? I can't remember) profile picture a meme that said "Epstein didn't kill himself" or something to that effect.

It was a six figure software engineering job, too. I cannot imagine losing a job like that for such a silly, self-inflicted reason.

At my last job some intern burst into Slack calling everyone "mald" for disagreeing with his sexist memes. That whole event was just a couple of hours.

Tf is mald?

I believe it's supposed to be a portmanteau of "mad" and "bald," possibly implying that we were discontent merely because of age.

The portmanteau is correct, but "malding" means that the person is balding from sheer anger.

It's a slang term used as a verb usually. To mald is to be mad. He was calling them mad.